Page 119 of The 6:20 Man

Later, showered and changed into his suit, Devine walked off to the station.

On the train he kept checking his phone to make sure the surveillance camera was still working. He still marveled at the amount of money and transactions moving through that digital space.

He didn’t expect to see Michelle Montgomery after what had happened the previous night, but he was wrong, because there she was in her bikini. She didn’t look at the train or wave. She looked tired; her shoulders slumped. She must have come back here with Cowl. He didn’t blame her for getting up early to meditate by the pool after what had happened the previous night.

I do owe her more than I could ever repay.

He got to the city and jumped on the subway. He checked his phone again and got a shock.

The entire operation in Area 51 had shut down. The computer screens were black. The servers were no longer humming. It was dead.

When he got to the office building two men were standing out front. For some reason he thought they were waiting for him.

Shoemaker and Ekman looked like they had been up all night.

Devine approached them and said, “I thought I looked like crap until I saw you two.”

“Stuff the bullshit, Devine. We have a major problem, which means you have a major problem.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Where were you last night between midnight and three?”


“Anybody verify that?”

“At that time people are in bed, including me. And what do I need another alibi for, anyway?”

“Jennifer Stamos was found murdered at her home,” said Ekman grimly.