Page 129 of The 6:20 Man

“When exactly?”

He told Devine the precise time it had happened. “Thoughts?”

Devine explained to Campbell his theory regarding Montgomery’s being the unwitting messenger using the color of her bikini to signal someone on the 6:20 train to either halt or start back up the Area 51 operations.

Campbell nodded knowingly. “That’s the way they used to do it in the old days. Not bikini colors, mind you, but person-to-person communication using a signal or system that would raise no suspicion whatsoever. A folded newspaper with the below-the-flap part showing, a different-colored flower left in a vase in a window, a light left on or off. In ’Nam we would tie different-colored bandanas around trees, change the meaning frequently, and the Viet Cong never figured it out. But why did they pull out the red bikini and grind Area 51 to a halt?”

“Stamos’s murder. Cowl sent the order to Montgomery to wear the bikini before the cops even knew she was dead. So he either killed her or found her body and panicked. But if Stamos did call Cowl that night, the police will be able to tell from her phone records.”

“Okay, what’s your next move?”

Devine told him about Elaine Nestor and his planned trip.

Campbell nodded. “Make it count, Devine. My old soldier’s instincts are telling me that we are running out of time.”