Page 145 of The 6:20 Man

Valentine looked at him curiously as he did this. “You are not what you want us to think?”

“Are you?”

“Just a hacker, dude.”

“A good one.”

“Take you long enough to say, asshole.” But he tacked on a grin to this. Valentine opened the fridge, grabbed a beer, and walked off, while Devine stared down at his hands, thinking. Something Valentine had said had stuck in his head and had made him think of Cowl’s own words from that old interview with the Journal: A partnership can be simply an idea or a perspective.

He grabbed his laptop from his room and plugged in the name Anne Comely, running it through a popular site on the internet that he had used before, but then only for fun.

There was nothing fun about the exercise this time.

It didn’t take long for the program to kick out what Devine knew was the exact right answer.

An anagram for “Anne Comely” was . . . CLEAN MONEY.