Page 150 of The 6:20 Man



DEVINE WAS ON HIS WAY to the subway after leaving work early when his phone rang.


“Where are you?” she asked.

“Walking up Broad Street and enjoying the heat, why?”

“Can you meet me at Brad’s place later, the one outside the city?”


“I can’t get into his penthouse without his phone, but I do have a key to the house. If he’s not there, we can make a search. We might find something to nail that son of a bitch. And if he is there we can . . . well, strangle the asshole.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Devine took the train home, changed, and was heading out when Tapshaw called out to him.

He turned to see her at the top of the stairs. “I got an email this morning. Mayflower is going to pull the trigger and invest. Fifty million, Travis, and at a valuation that will leave me with complete control of the company. This will change everything.”

He tried to force a smile. Force, because if this was dirty money, and it had to be taken back? “That’s great, Jill. You must have really wowed them. And that valuation means you are rich!”

She blushed at this. “I’ve been scrimping and saving for so long, it doesn’t feel any different. But I believe they definitely think there’s a lot of potential in my platform and business plan. If I close the deal, how about another tequila date? You helped me a lot.”

He again forced a smile. “I’m all in. But my turn to buy.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Hell, Travis, with all that money I think I can afford to splurge a little. And the thousand dollars you put in? It’s worth a lot more now.”

He watched her walk off. And then his smile faded. Shit.

He hopped on his bike and sped off to meet Montgomery.

She was waiting outside the gates for him. She had Ubered out, she told him.

“What about the hired help?” he asked.

“They’re used to me being around. And as I said before, they’re no fans of Brad’s.”

They headed into the house and a maid came around the corner and nearly plowed into them.

“Oh my goodness, Miss Michelle, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, Denise. Is Brad here? I’ve been calling and calling and nothing.”

“No, ma’am. I haven’t seen him in a few days. But that’s not unusual. He’s so busy. He might be in China for all I know.”

“Right, well, we’re going to hang out here for a bit. Travis here works for Brad, and hopefully, he’ll show up. Look, why don’t you and the rest of the crew take the rest of the night off? There’s no reason for you to hang around.”

“But if Mr. Cowl—”

“If he shows up, I’ll take full responsibility.” She smiled impishly. “And I can mix the man a drink myself if he so requires. And fry him an egg.”

Denise grinned. “All right, miss, if you’re sure.”

Ten minutes later the staff had left and gone to their quarters on the other side of the property.