Page 162 of The 6:20 Man

“They would be killed, like Christian. And they killed Sara’s parents because they couldn’t risk them knowing something. But what about the emails you got? How do they tie in to Brad? Why would he send you those messages?”

“It doesn’t tie in to it, at all. Unless they’re trying to muddy the waters. But even that doesn’t make much sense.”

“Then there could be a separate killer out there?” she said.

“Yes, there could.”

She reached out and took his hand. “I’m really scared, Travis.”

He gripped her fingers. “There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. When people are in danger, they should be afraid. But you can’t let fear paralyze you, then you’re as good as dead.”

“I guess you learned that in the Army while fighting overseas?”

“I’ve also learned it all over again right here in good old New York.”