Page 23 of Liv's Appeal

“I’m going to need a tech to look these over. Is it ok if I take this with me? We’ll get it back to you.”

Sure they would. Not that it mattered. All of her information was backed up to the cloud and there wasn’t anything on it that she needed to hide other than her library of steamy e-books. Realistically, she would have to get a new number anyway, so what did it matter?


“Why didn’t you mention that Luis was threatening you?”

“I didn’t even know he had my number. I haven’t looked at my phone in days. I don’t have a charger with me, so it was turned off.” Maybe doing that had been stupid, but she’d enjoyed letting go of anything that could remind her of the outside world. “Let me write down the passcode for you.”

Liv took his notepad and wrote the six digit code down on the top sheet.

“Are we done here?” Sean’s sharp voice startled her.

Hassick nodded. “Yes. I may have more questions after we review the new information.”

“Can I talk to you alone for a minute, Liv?”

Sean’s face was a neutral mask that caused all her nerves to fire. What was wrong? Had his phone call been bad news? Her imagination started spiraling off worst-case scenarios.

“Sure. It was nice meeting you.” She nodded to Agent Hassick before following Sean into the back bedroom. “What’s up?”

“I need to head into the city for a bit.”

“What?” Him abandoning her hadn’t even been on the list of horrible things she had imagined.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can, but it probably won’t be tonight.”

Liv didn’t like how distant his voice sounded. Like he was passing on a schedule change to his secretary. She studied his face and eyes and saw nothing. No hint of regret or concern. Was he glad to get away from her? Did he even care that she would be left alone?

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Her mind was spinning, though she tried to remain calm.

“Since the Cartel is off the table, we’ve deemed that there is no reason for me to stay hidden.”

“No reason.” Guess staying with her wasn’t even a thought in his head. “Ok then, take me with you if it is so safe.”


They stared at each other for long, silent seconds. She was an idiot for ever thinking this was more than a stupid fling for him. Apparently, she’d been the only one dreaming of a future.

“That’s all you have to say? No.” He remained silent, and she fought back the urge to scream. “So what? I was a fun distraction while you were stuck up here, but the minute you can you’re just leaving. Are you taking your men with you as well? Since I’m not a reason to stay, why bother with them?”

“Liv.” Her name was an angry growl, but she didn’t care. At least he was showing some emotion.

“What’s so important that you need to go to the city right now?” She crossed her arms in a gesture that was as much about showing her anger as it was to hold in the hurt that his quick dismissal had caused.

“I can’t tell you.”

“That is bullshit.” Liv knew she was yelling, but she didn’t care. “So much for your pretty words about caring for me. You promised to keep me in the loop. Now you are hiding things from me.”

“Like you hid things from me?” His angry tone matched hers.

“I didn’t keep anything from you. I’m not the one taking secret phone calls and taking off without explanation.”

It really was her worst nightmare come true. She’d be stuck here with strangers, locked away like a prisoner, dependent on them for everything. God, what a fool she had been. She’d actually believed he cared for her. Instead, he was counting down the minutes till he could get back to his life without her. And the worst part was she’d fallen in love with him. It was no use pretending otherwise. Only those you loved could hurt you so deeply. Why did she have to love people who didn’t give a shit about her? First her sister, now Sean.

“You had more information on Luis and didn’t tell me. We might have found him days ago, yet you said nothing.” His words were bitten off and filled with accusation.

“I wasn’t hiding it. I honestly hadn’t thought about it until he asked.” Liv studied Sean’s face for some sign that he believed her, but it was back to the cold mask from earlier. “So, what is this punishment? I don’t tell you everything, so you leave. I’m sorry that staying here with me is such a hardship. Don’t let me slow you down.” She made a gesture towards the door, her heart feeling like it was shattering in her chest.