Sully lifted me in his arms and carried me to the bathroom. Under the water, we talked about nothing and everything. It was so comforting, normal. While we dressed, he eyed me with approval. The man knew exactly how to make me feel ten feet high.

He took my hand, and together, we walked out of the bedroom. Where our two cats were lying in wait. Sully and I glanced at each other, and I grinned. “They’re so cute. They were waiting for us to finish.”

“More like eavesdropping on us.”

I scooped up Pumpkin while he did the same to Cin. The morning could never be perfect. Until we walked into the kitchen and a delicious aroma filled my nostrils.

“When you said you made breakfast, I wasn’t expecting this.” Sully put Cin down.

My heart sank. What had Maggie done? The bacon and eggs, roasted apples with yogurt, and French toast weren’t the breakfast I’d made. I just knew she thought I wasn’t good enough for Sully, and this proved it.

I opened my mouth to tell Sully the truth. That I hadn’t made this. How could he not know? Everything was still warm, but he didn’t seem to notice as he poured himself a glass of orange juice and me a cup of coffee.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked.

“Just let me get the cats some food.” I needed the space to be mad without him knowing. I didn’t want to point out the obvious of what his housekeeper was doing. He would fire her on my behalf, and I didn’t want her to lose her job. If I tattled to Sully, she would never respect me, and I would end up living in a tense house.

After refilling the cats’ bowls, I returned to the kitchen and joined Sully around the island.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Hmm.” I forced down a bit of French toast. I supposed it was good, but I couldn’t enjoy it.

Sully frowned. “That’s all you’re having?” .

“I’m not very hungry.”

“Really? You’re usually ravenous after sex. Are you not feeling well? Worried about your driving test?”

Now that he mentioned it. I nodded.

“I believe you can do this, Kit. You’re smart. If you can work through your anxiety when you’re behind the wheel, nothing can hold you back.”

I smiled. “Thank you.”

He scrolled through his phone, eyebrows knitted. He mumbled something too low for me to hear.

“Everything okay? You don’t usually use your phone at the table.”

He sighed. “My mother hasn’t called me in the last couple of weeks. It worries me, since she used to call every week. What if something’s wrong?”

My palms grew sweaty. I’d spoken to his mother twice this week already. I had no idea that when she started talking to me, that would result in her reaching out to Sully less. I hated seeing him so concerned.

“I’m sure she’s fine,” I said. “Didn’t you want her to call you less? Maybe she’s just doing that.”

“You’re right.” He reached across the island and took my hand. “I’ll be in my office for about an hour. We’ll go swimming in the pool after, yes?”


Sully kissed me and left, the two cats trailing after him despite him trying to get them to stop. I laughed, my mood lighter as I cleared the dishes and loaded the dishwasher. After wiping down the counters, I went to search for Maggie. We were both grown-ups. If I had a problem, I should be able to talk to her about it without involving Sully.

I walked into the laundry room, where she usually was around this time, but the room was empty. The clothes basket was full of fresh laundry, though. An idea formed in my mind, and I didn’t think about it too hard.

What better way to make my point than to have Maggie experience the exact thing she put me through daily?

“What are you doing?” I spun around to Maggie, who glared at me. “Where are the clothes from the hamper?”

“I threw them in the washing machine.”