“Have a great night,” he said.

“Wait, what am I…” But he’d already driven away. What was I supposed to do now?


I spun around. A young woman in her late twenties, dressed in a black pencil skirt and an emerald-green top, smiled at me.


“Welcome to Mood. I’m Ellie, your host. Your companion is already waiting for you. Please follow me this way.”

“Thank you.”

Ohmygod, Sully, what have you done?

We walked through the main area of the restaurant, where most tables were occupied. Ellie bypassed several rooms, a few of which appeared to be private, and finally stopped at an elevator hidden from view.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“The rooftop.”

“The rooftop?”

She nodded, and I turned my head so she wouldn’t see me blush. Had she figured out that I wasn’t used to expensive places like this? I narrowed my eyes. Ah well, tonight was going to be my night. Imposter syndrome be damned. I was going to have a good time with my man and revel in every bit of pampering he would bestow on me.

When the elevator stopped, Ellie gestured for me to go first. I stepped out, then stopped. I’d heard about rooftop dining before, but I always assumed it would be similar to a regular restaurant, with guests dining at other tables. Two rows of fairy lights formed the walkway to a canopy where a single table was set up. Violin music started, and startled, I spun around. The music didn’t come from a speaker, as I had expected. Instead, a man stood in the shadows, playing his instrument.


I swung to the right, where Sully came walking toward me. He’d also changed from the clothes he’d left the house in this morning. He looked striking in a dark blue suit with the jacket unbuttoned and showing off the well-fitted vest beneath.

He stopped a couple of feet away from me and stared at me, like I was staring at him. Then he closed the distance between us until we stood toe to toe.

“You look stunning,” he whispered. “Just like I knew you would.”

I fanned my face with my hand. Oh lord, I was overheating. “Quick, Sully. Catch me. I think I’m going to swoon.”

I made a dramatic attempt at fainting, and just as I’d expected, Sully caught me.

“Kit,” he groaned.

I giggled. “I couldn’t resist. Sully, you’re kinda hot.”

His knitted brows smoothed out with his smile. “Only kinda?”

“A whole lot, actually.” I pressed a hand to his chest, feeling him up and moaning. “I can’t decide if these muscles look better in or out of clothes.”

Someone cleared their throat behind me, and I almost jumped out of my skin. Oh shit, the host.

“Mr. Matthews, I’ve delivered your guest,” Ellie said. “Your server will be with you shortly. If there’s any concern, you know how to reach me. Please enjoy your experience with us.”

“Thank you, Ellie. Everything’s perfect.”

The woman bowed her head, then turned and walked away, her shoes clicking on the ground.

I sighed. “She definitely thinks I’m your boy toy.”

“Does that bother you?”