Page 155 of Dirty Princess

If he did sleep next to me, then that felt like it would make things between he and Archer even worse.

And there I was - again - as soon as I wake up, thinking about Cullen and Archer.

Archer and Cullen.

Doyle and Amatti.

Amatti and Doyle.

They are so stuck in my mind…

The bedroom door opens and I hurry to sit up.

My body is a little uncomfortable.

Sleeping fully clothed sucks.

Sleeping in shoes is one thing.

Sleeping with a bra on is like torture.

Thezazasdid their job though.

They knocked me out good.

No thoughts, worries, fears, doubts.

Just sleep.

And now I’m awake.

Cullen is carrying breakfast food. And coffee.

“What in the world is this?” I ask with a sleepy smile on my face.

“Breakfast time, love,” Cullen says.

He walks to the bed as I sit there.

I don’t feel like a queen. I’m not capable of making any rational decisions.

Maybe I should feel like a princess.

A dirty one though, right?

I see the look in Cullen’s eyes as he stares at me.

Yet I have Archer floating around in my mind too.

At least they mostly know about each other.


Cullen lowers the plate first but I reach for the coffee.

“Of course,” he says.

He winks.

Jaxson Kidman's Novels