Page 221 of Dirty Princess

Maz looks at me and nods.

I shrug my shoulders.

I mouth to herWhat?

“Tell Cullen and the rest to clear a path and not to say a word,” Maz says.

“Wait a second,” I whisper. “This is serious stuff, Maz.”

“No shit, Jaci.”

“We can’t just… take her out of here.”

“So what do you want to do?” Maz asks. “Sleep here? In this room? After what happened?”

“No, I didn’t say that.”

Birdie starts to sob.

She lowers her head and bawls her eyes out.

Wanting to know why this happened to her. Why did he choose her. She just wanted to have some fun. She just wanted to enjoy herself. And now this…

My heart’s racing and aching.

Maz is getting pissed at me.

I lean closer to Maz so I can whisper even lower.

“I know this is hard but we have to keep her here, right?” I ask.

“For what?”

“We have to call the police, Maz.”

Maz then looks at me.

With the most serious face I’ve ever seen on her.

Chills race through my body.

“Jaci… that’s not how we handle things here.”

Chapter 54

Iknow what Maz means.

Believe me, I know.

But the focus now is Birdie.

It takes us forever to get her to stand up.

She finally clings to Maz, which is perfect.

Cullen and theHeirsmake a path for us.

Cullen orders Quinn to tell theSavagesto make a path for us to sneak out of the house.

Jaxson Kidman's Novels