Page 304 of Dirty Princess

Maz and Birdie are watching a scary movie.

I pull my hood up and blow them a kiss.

They both agree I’m theirqueenand they laugh.

Then Birdie gasps when someone gets stabbed in the movie and she spills some popcorn.

I hurry outside and begin my walk.

Thezazaworks its magic in no time.

I decide to get a little brave and I veer into the woods.

But not too far.

I don’t want to get lost.

I debate walking toMakson Ridgeand seeing Cullen.

Who knows, maybe I can fix all the problems here.

I took care of the situation with Darby and Birdie, right?

So maybe I can fix Cullen and Archer.

Whatever their family’s history is.

My body will end this war!

I snort and start to laugh.

“Oh, Jaci,” I whisper to myself.

Behind me I hear the snap of a twig.

I gasp and turn.

I fumble for my phone and turn on my flashlight.

I shine it and take a few deep breaths.

If that’s Archer… I’ll kill him…

I step a slow step back.

I turn off the flashlight on my phone.

I then turn around and bump right into someone standing there, waiting for me.

Before I can scream, there’s a hand across my mouth.

I drop my phone.

I go into panic mode.

I go into fight mode.

Except I’m high.

I’m loose, confused, and now… scared.

A set of eyes look into mine and I try to shake my head but can’t.

I know exactly what’s about to happen to me.

I’m being fucking kidnapped.

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