Page 39 of Dirty Princess

Archer swings his left hand and shoves Cullen out of the way.

Now Archer is coming for me again.

Knife in hand.

I put my hands out as though I’m some superhero and can stop him.

There is no stopping him.

At the last possible second, other people suddenly appear.

“There’s a right way and a wrong way to do this, Archer,” someone says.

Archer freezes and turns his head. “This doesn’t concern you, Colm.”

“It does. She’s anHeir. Like us.”

Cullen steps up to my side again. “If you touch me again, Archer, I will kill you. You have to respect the ranks.”

“Fuck the ranks,” Archer says. “I am the ranks. I’m as much of anHeiras she is.”

“You gave that up,” another person says. “Remember?”

Archer steps back a couple steps.

I’ve never seen a man so big, mean and angry before.

I don’t like the way it makes me feel.

Maybe that’s just part of where I grew up.

It’s engrained in me to be attracted to the absolutely most horrific and wrong guys ever.

Then again, I have Cullen standing next to me.

Who is just as gorgeous but in a different way.

“Do you really think I didn’t know she was anHeir?” Archer asks. “Of course I fucking knew. That’s how I know she has to die.”

“To make room for you?” I ask. “Have at it then. Take my spot. I don’t really care.”

“It doesn’t work that way, love,” Cullen whispers to me.

“It has nothing to do with being anHeiror even being aSavage,” Archer says as he stares daggers at me. “This is personal, sweet thing. And I will get what I want. I will kill you.”

“You have to tell her everything first,” someone says.

Archer takes a deep breath and just walks away.

I feel a small sense of relief.

But I have more of a sense of wonder.

I want to know more.

I want to know everything.

Before I can ask a question, Cullen grabs my hand. “Let me introduce you to some of the otherHeirsaround here.”

Jaxson Kidman's Novels