Page 59 of Dirty Princess

“She’s telling the truth,” Maz says. “Her pants aren’t unbuttoned. Her shirt isn’t messy. And her hair is normal.”

“Are you going to see him again?” Birdie asks.

“I don’t know,” I say. “He said I should be with the rest of theHeirs.”

“That’s probably right,” Maz says. “There are rules.”

“Fuck the rules,” I say. “Fuck everything right now. I’m tired. And my hand hurts.”

“You know,” Birdie says as she moves closer to me, “you didn’t say what happened to your hand.”

“Archer tried to kill me,” I say. “I think I talked my way out of it. I tried to scare him so I cut my hand on his knife. I guess it worked. I’m still alive, right?”

“Holy shit,” Maz whispers. “You’re seriously in the middle of a mafia family war and you don’t even realize it. And even if you did, I don’t think you’d care.”

“Probably not,” I say. “I’m really tired.”

I climb into bed and my eyes shut really quick.

I drift off to sleep just the same.

It feels good to sleep.

Even if I know one of these nights soon enough is going to be my last night alive.

The next morning the smell of coffee entices me out of bed.

I’m sure I have to be at a class or something but I don’t care.

I wander out of the bedroom to find Maz and Birdie sitting in robes, drinking coffee.

“Is it early or are we all skipping classes?” I ask in a groggy voice.

“It’s just Deckerd’s class,” Maz says.

“Accounting nonsense,” Birdie says. “He won’t care if it’s one class.”

“Plus, we can tell him we’re all synched up,” Maz says.

“Synched up?” I ask.

“Periods,” Birdie says. “Deckerd is a creep. If he ever worries you just mention you have your period. It freaks him out and he backs right off. By the way, you have a package.”

“Yeah she does,” Maz says with a grin.

“What?” I ask.

“It was here this morning when we got up,” Birdie says. “Just outside the door.”

I race to the door and open it.

I gasp when I see the shape of the package.

Even a blind person would be able to tell it’s a guitar.

And I have an idea of who did this for me.

Chapter 16

Jaxson Kidman's Novels