Page 68 of Dirty Princess

The exact same one.

Meaning he’s six grand into whatever gesture this is he’s showing me.

He touches my face. My shoulders.

His lips are smooth and sweet when he kisses my lips.

We’ve made out twice.

No. Three times.

But nothing else.

Of course both Maz and Birdie tell me I need to fuck him. Or let him fuck me.

Birdie insists I sit on my throne…Cullen’s face.

When she gets drunk, she plays with her glasses and gets really horny.

That’s a whole other thing though.

Maz agrees about Cullen.

I do too.

But my mind races to one thing.

Who am I?

That’s probably a question everyone asks when they’re in college.

As they try to figure out what they like and don’t like in life. That first true sense of freedom.

Only I’ve had nothing but freedom from the day I was dropped off on Fay’s porch.

But the thing is… poor freedom is very different from actual freedom.

Now, as far as the Ava and Brianna thing goes, that was a little intense.

Their cars were completely torched.

Just like the way mine had been torched.

The thing though?

Nobody cared.

The cars were burned up into metal shells, then hauled off.

The ground was cleaned up.

And the next day?

Ava and Brianna each had a new vehicle parked in the same spots as the old ones.

I’d never seen anything like it.

To me that means whoever did it -Archer?- got their message across.

Jaxson Kidman's Novels