
"He followed me to work," I say, explaining to Madisyn how my morning has gone.

She's covering a double shift, which sucks for her, but I'm grateful to have her company and someone to talk to when I have the time.

"He's protective," Madisyn says. "It's not necessarily a bad trait. He just wants to make sure that you're safe."

"And following me all the way to work—it's overkill." Doesn't she realize it has stalker vibes written all over it? "It's like a huge red flag."

"So, break up with him." Madisyn glances at me as she taps away at the computer at the nurse's station.

"We're not dating," I say. "How would that even work?" I grab my mug of coffee and take a sip. It's not nearly as good as the coffee from the café down the street, but there was no chance that I was stopping there while Luka followed me to work.

Grimacing, the coffee is bitter and scalding hot.

"You tell me, you're the one who had his kid," Madisyn says. "Listen, I get the situation is unique. You both need to figure out a balance, what you each want, and go from there."

"Is it bad that I want him?" I mutter into my cup.

Madisyn chuckles, apparently hearing my remark.


"So, tell him that," Madisyn says. "He's a complicated guy, and there's a lot that you don't know about Luka, but give him a chance. Just recognize that he's protective. And it's not always a flaw for a character trait. The man would lay down his life for Bay and you."

"I'm not asking him to lay down his life for us," I say.

"Yes, but if you're getting involved with Luka, even as just co-parents, you need to realize the kind of man he is and what he'd do for his family."

She couldn't have told me about his overprotective nature before introducing us? Although in her defense, running into him at the bar wasn't part of the plan.

"Do you know that I still remember that night, when the two of us conceived Bay?"

"I'd hope you remember sleeping with him!" Madisyn giggles, not quite understanding.

"I still think about it. About him. It's probably because he's Bay's biological father, and I'm tied to him forever."

Madisyn shifts on the chair, folding her arms across her chest and giving me a pointed look. "Forever? Eighteen years, probably fifteen now."

Is that supposed to make me feel better about the situation?

"Luka's not like any other man whom you'd date. He's the complete opposite of Mark, who I never really cared for if I'm honest. You should give Luka a shot."

"You mean Luka's a good guy?" I take another swig of my coffee and grimace. "Needs more sugar."

She coughs and turns the chair back to her computer. "I've got a lot to get done today. Catch you later?"

"Yeah, of course." Is she brushing me off or busy with work?

I can't tell, but the fact she has to work a double shift makes me think it's not me.

* * *

I round the corner of the hallway, slamming head-first into Mark. "What are you doing here?" My stomach tenses, and I take a step back, skimming the hall searching for Madisyn or anyone else should the need arise.

I don't trust Mark, and while we're in a public building with plenty of security, he shouldn't be here.

"It's fine. What are they going to be able to do? I need to get back to work. I still have patients to check on."

"Hannah," Madisyn calls after me.

I ignore her. It's bad enough that I'll have to face her at home, and I'm sure she'll tell Luka, and if not, Mikhail certainly will when she confides in him what happened.

I trust Madisyn, but not to keep a secret about Mark.

* * *