I sneak into the supply room, but I’m alone. I shut the door behind myself and slip out the main door and down the hallway. I step into line, ordering myself a cup of coffee. I may as well since I’m here.

Stepping up to the counter, I feel a set of eyes on me from across the room. Luka is seated in a corner booth, his gaze locked on me.

Is he following me?

The barista hands me my cup the moment after I pay for it. They’re quick today.

I don’t want him to notice Savannah, not that I expect he’ll know who she is, but it’s better to keep his attention focused entirely on me. I block his view of the hallway and tower over him.

“What are you doing here? Are you following me?”

Luka smiles and shrugs his shoulders. He isn’t saying anything.

“Did Mikhail put you up to this? To spy on me?”

Luka’s gaze is locked on mine, which is a relief. I spot Savannah heading through the main entrance and out the door.

“I’m just here for a cup of coffee,” Luka says.

I glance down at the small table in front of him. It’s empty of any coffee. There’s no tea and not even a cup of water.

“You’re full of shit. Call Mikhail. Put him on the phone.”

He leans back in the booth, quite pleased with himself and not the least bit intimidated by me. “Mikhail is a busy man. He doesn’t have time for your childish games,” Luka says.

“My games? You’re the one following me into the coffee shop.” I try to keep my voice down and not let anyone overhear us, but it’s difficult not to make a scene in front of him. I hold the cup of coffee in my hand, trying not to squeeze the top off and spill it out of frustration.

Luka retrieves his phone from his coat pocket. “Fine, I’ll give him a call, but he isn’t going to be happy to hear from me.”

“I imagine not when you tell him that I caught you spying on my ass.”

He dials Mikhail. At least, I assume that’s who he’s calling. He waits a moment before speaking into the phone. “I’ve got eyes on your girl, but she spotted me,” Luka says.

I hold out my hand, gesturing that I want the phone.

“She wants to talk to you,” Luka says and hands over his device.

“What the hell are you doing having me followed?” I don’t even attempt to keep my voice down. I can feel several sets of eyes staring at me because I’m interrupting their morning coffee break. Well, too bad.

Mikhail clears his throat. “Luka was just trying to make sure that ex-boyfriend of yours leaves you alone.”

“I don’t need a bodyguard,” I say, staring at Luka while speaking to Mikhail over the phone.

Luka winces and shrugs, like maybe I do. How much does this guy know about Aaron?

“I disagree,” Mikhail says. “We can discuss it tonight at my house after you get off work.”

I wasn’t expecting such a forward invitation. “You want to see me tonight?” I was worried he might have lost interest after we slept together and he jetted out.

“Do you already have plans?” Mikhail asks. There’s a hint of annoyance in his tone.

“I do,” I say. It’s a lie. He can’t think that I don’t have a life, that I don’t have friends, or at least work colleagues to grab drinks with now and again.

“Cancel them,” Mikhail says. He’s short and abrupt. There’s no room for discussion. “You’re coming over after work.”

He’s demanding, a definite red flag if I’ve ever seen one, but I’m not thinking about dating the guy. This is undercover work, and I have to do whatever is necessary to get close with him.

“You won’t get sick of me?” I ask and give a weak, nervous laugh. I’m not the least bit uneasy, but I’m playing it up, especially with Luka watching my every move.

There is no one I can trust within the bratva organization.

“Luka will drive you to my place when you’re finished with work. Until then, he has orders to protect you.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” I mutter into the phone.

“What’s that?” Mikhail asks.

I’m uncertain whether he heard my remark or is pretending that he didn’t. “I’ll give you back to Luka,” I say and shove his cell phone back into his palm.

I don’t wait to hear another word from Mikhail, and I certainly don’t wait for Luka. I hurry out the door of the coffee shop. It’s not like Luka doesn’t already know where I’m heading.

* * *