Page 23 of Holy Hell

Beez held Carter close. “What’s wrong?”

“You can’t leave,” Carter whimpered. “Neither of you. I... I need you in my life. You guys help me make sense of it.” He buried his face in Beez’s chest, his arm still around Alcy’s waist.

Beez peered at Alcy and mouthedwhat the fuck?before nestling his face into Carter’s hair. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said in a soothing voice. “You won’t even remember us. It’ll be more like a vague déjà vu.”

“No!” Carter screamed as he jerked away and rushed for the door. “I can’t do this. I just can’t.”

And before Beez or Alcy could say anything, Carter slammed the door.

“What the fuck did you say to him?” Beez demanded.

“You mean, apart from telling him the truth?” Alcy fired back. “But before you bawl me out, maybe we should both direct our energies to where they’re needed, and try to figure out what we’re going to do to fix this.”

Because right then, Alcy didn’t have a clue.

What. The. Fuck?

Carter’s heart slammed against his ribs as he stared out the window of the bus. He had no idea why he should be this close to a panic attack. He didn’t really know Alcy and Beez, but...

So why do I feel this way?

A trickle of calm allowed him to view the situation more clearly. In less than a week, they’d grounded him, made it so he could breathe again. They didn’t expect anything from him, except for him to be happy.Why can’t everyone else see me the way they do?Exceptnowthey were telling him they’d disappear and he’d never see them again? That couldn’t be right.

He wasn’t about to let that happen.

Carter got off at Water Street, then walked halfway down the block until he came to Mr. McAffrey’s store. It was dark inside, which made no sense since it was the middle of the day. He hurried to the door and pounded on it, and when the blind fluttered, Carter’s heartbeat sped up again. The door opened, and Mr. McAffrey stared out at him.

“Carter? What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you. Please? It’s important.”

Mr. McAffrey smiled. “Of course, my boy. Come in.” He stepped back and let Carter into the shop.

He hadn’t been wrong. It was dark inside. “Aren’t you open?”

Mr. McAffrey shrugged. “It’s not the right time.” Carter gave him a puzzled stare, and he continued, “The store will be open when it’s needed, but not before.” He gestured to the table at the rear of the store. “Can I offer you some tea?”

Carter had no time for tea. “No, thank you. I need... That book...”

Mr. McAffrey smiled again. “You made good use of it? Excellent. Were the results what you wanted?”

Carter swallowed. “Yes… I mean, no. No, they weren’t. So what I need to know is… Is there a way to change them? I... I don’t want...” Tears trickled down his cheeks, and he scrubbed a hand over his face.

Mr. McAffrey’s hand was gentle on his arm. “Don’t want what, Carter? You can tell me. Remember, I won’t judge you.”

Carter thought of Alcy and Beez. He thought of them disappearing from his life, and him not even remembering they’d ever been there, and an ache filled his heart. “I don’t want them to vanish,” he whispered, his throat suddenly raw. “They’re my friends, and...” He gulped. “Isn’t there something I can do? A spell I can cast? I need them in my life, because for the first time ever, things make sense. I can’t lose that. No, I can’t losethem,” he declared vehemently.

Mr. McAffrey stroked his chin in silence, and with each passing second, Carter’s panic blossomed. Then he tilted his head to one side. “May I ask a question?”

Carter nodded.

“Who said you’d lose them?”

“They said... they told me...theydid.”

Mr. McAffrey reached out and took his hand. “Carter, I want you to listen to me, okay? Whatever the book brings you? It stays with you forever. Just because someone tells you they’ll have to go, doesn’t necessarily make it so.Canthey leave you? Of course they can. Free will is a thing.Willthey? That’s something for the three of you to decide.”

“What if I keep the book? I’ll pay you. Whatever you want.” Carter teetered at the edge of desperation.

K.C. Wells's Novels