Page 30 of Holy Hell

Feather-soft wings tickled Beez’s insides at the sweet look Alcy gave him. “I can keep doing it, if you’d rather.”

That sweet look turned incredulous, then once again morphed into a smile. “I’d rather you call me Alcy,” he admitted. “From you and Carter it’s not such a bad name.”

He watched as Alcy closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Lucky them. Beez was wide awake, wondering when his life had taken such a sharp turn. He’d never gotten attached to anyone. What would it accomplish? Yet, even though he wouldn’t admit to it, right now, in bed with these men? Beez felt as though something inexorable had occurred inside him. He wasn’t exactly sure what it was, and if he were honest with himself, he didn’t care. There was a contentment he felt deep inside as he moved a bit closer, bringing Carter’s body flush with his. He drew his hand back, then slid it over Carter, and if he happened to embrace Alcy at the same time? That was okay too.

With a smile on his face, Beez drifted off to sleep with these men. His men.

Chapter Eleven

Fingers stroked over Beez’s cheek, trailed down his chest, his stomach, through his pubic hair, and then wrapped around his straining shaft. He thought it was the best feeling ever—until warm lips teased his cockhead, a tongue dipping into the slit. A hand cupped his balls, as if weighing them. Then there was a filthy chuckle that vibrated through Beez, tingling from head to toe. The bastard had him on edge, and it would only take a bit more to make him tumble over the—

Bright sunlight seared through his eyelids.

“What the fuck?” He opened his eyes, blinked several times in quick succession, then glared at Alcy who’d drawn back the curtains. “Why?” he croaked, covering his eyes with his arm. “Supreme… your timing iswayoff.”

“We need to talk.”

“No,wedon’t.Ineed to get back into that luscious dream I was enjoying—'til you spoiled it.”

Beez’s ire seemed to sail right over Alcy’s head. “I realized something.”

Beez groaned internally. Alcy plainly wasn’t going to give up. “Okay, gimme a sec.” He sat up on the bed, scrubbed a hand over his scalp, and did his best to look as if he was awake. “Now… what did you realize?”

“So you haven’t noticed?”

That caught Beez’s attention. He threw his legs over the side, then reached down and scratched his ball sac, not bothering to hide his grin—or his erection—when Alcy’s cheeks grew scarlet. “Okay, I’ll bite. What did you notice?”

Alcy joined him, perching on the edge of the bed. “Well, originally we agreed we’d each split our time with Carter, right? Two days on, two days off.”

“Yeah.” Beez blinked. “Yeah. What happened to that?”

“That’s whatIwas wondering. Since that day we tracked Carter down to the bookstore, and after that mess with Danny, the three of us have been together constantly. It’s been almost three weeks.”

Beez did a mental check. They had. They’d gone shopping with Carter to get groceries. Stopped at Starbucks and had coffee and the chocolate pastries Beez couldn’t seem to get enough of. They’d all taken a trip to the Milwaukee Public Museum. In fact, every day Carter had dragged them off somewhere, and they’d gone along without protest.

Museum? What the hell?Where was the sex? Then it hit him.Hey, wait a minute. I haven’t gotten off in nearly three weeks!And he was only noticing itnow? That was wrong on so many levels.I blame Alcy. His goody two-shoes act was rubbing off on Beez, without all the fun slipping and sliding. “What made you mention it?”

Alcy bit his lip, his gaze drifting lower to Beez’s solid shaft. “That. It got me thinking.”

Beez grinned, wrapped a fist around his dick, and waggled it at Alcy. “Oh, it did?”

Alcy rolled his eyes. “I wasthinkingthat seeing as Carter is now on his summer break, you might want to put that to good use.” He coughed. “Seems a shame to waste it.”

Beez frowned. “Wait. Back up the truck. You’re lettingmehave the next couple of days with him? You sure about that?” This wasn’t the Alcy he knew and loved.


He pushed the thought aside. It was a figure of speech, nothing more.

“I’m sure. Besides…” Alcy’s cheeks flushed again. “I just peeked into his room. He’s pretty much in the same… er… state. I can’t see him being able to concentrate when all the blood has left his brain to head south.”

Beez snickered. “Good point.” He curled thick fingers around his turgid cock. “Okay, then you’d better skedaddle and let me get to work.”

Alcy rolled his eyes again. “Work, he calls it,” he muttered as he got up from the bed and headed for the door. “I’ll be back.”

“Hey, you could at least have made anattemptat a Terminator impression,” Beez hollered after him. When the door closed, Beez launched himself up off the bed and stared at his reflection in the mirror.

Human—or demon?

K.C. Wells's Novels