Page 36 of Holy Hell

“Hm? Oh, I found it in the refrigerator. Dudes, it issoooogood.” He dipped his finger into the chocolate goop and popped it into his mouth.

“I’m teaching Carter how to bake a cake, and you’re not supposed to evenbehere, let alone steal my frosting.”

“Oh.” Beez grinned. “Oops.” He dipped his finger again, then licked off the sugary goodness before sucking it, a low moan accompanying the sensual action. “Fuck, almost as good as cum.”

“I can’t believe you,” Alcy snapped.

Carter was at his side in a heartbeat. “Alcy? Whatever it is you’re thinking of doing right now?” he whispered. “Do it.”

“I-I-I....” His heart pounded. Carter was right. Beez had been getting away with crap like this for eons. Alcy stood up, marched over to Beez, snatched the nearly empty bowl of frosting from his fingers—because ofcourseBeez would have eaten almost all of it—and scooped the last bit out with his hand. He took a deep breath.Carter said I should, so that’s the same as giving me permission, right?


Beez narrowed his gaze. “Why are you grinning?”

Alcy knew this was bad, and he’d probably get punished by Supreme at some point, but it would be worth it. He straightened his shoulders, looked Beez in the eye, then mashed the remaining frosting on his face, smearing it around, getting it in his hair, his goatee, his ears…


“So it’s like cum, is it?” Alcy beamed. “Well, I hope you enjoy your facial.” He stepped back, his chest heaving, warmth infusing his body, a tingle surging through him, starting in his head and spreading outward.I did it.He’d finally stood up to Beez—

Who was now staring at him with wide eyes.

A niggle of fear trickled through Alcy.Is he angry?Then he heaved an internal sigh of relief when Beez threw his head back and laughed.

“It’s about fucking time, Angel.”

Alcy blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Supreme, you’re a tough nut to crack.” Beez cackled. “And believe me, I know all about nuts.” He wiped his face off, then sucked the frosting from his fingers. “I’ll be honest. I never thought you’d loosen up.”

What? “What are you talking about?”

Beez leaned on the table, his gaze locked on Alcy. “Do you know why I’m always on your back? Because you are theonlyhost who is so damned serious all the time.”

“I’m sure that’s not true,” Alcy countered.

Beez shook his head. “Remiel, Dashel, Cornan... all of them are good at their jobs, but that’s because they know how to play too. You?” He held up his hands. “I admit it, you’re a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. You know everything—well,almosteverything.” When Alcy gave him a puzzled glance, Beez sighed. “You don’t know how to laugh, to tease… At least, youdidn’t, until now.” His eyes gleamed. “It’s so damned good to see you cut loose." His smile made Alcy’s insides flutter. “You need to let that side out more often, okay? I like the playful Alcy as much as the serious one.”

The other hosts played and teased? All this time, and Alcy could have been giving Beez a taste of his own medicine? “Really?”

Beez nodded. “Really.”

It felt as though a weight was lifted from his chest. Alcy decided to take Beez at his word. He walked over to him, flicked a bit of frosting from Beez’s cheek, then brought it to his mouth. Beez widened his eyes, and Alcy grinned. “So this tastes almost as good as cum? Well, I guess now I’ll never have to worry about not knowing how good it can be.”

Beez’s jaw dropped. He clamped a hand on Alcy’s shoulder, and the contact sent a shiver through him. “You know what, Angel? This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Carter laughed so hard that tears glistened on his cheeks. “That’swhat I wanted to see,” he gasped. When he’d stopped laughing, he peered at Beez. “Did you stop by for a reason?”

Beez appeared not to notice the question as he stared intently at Alcy, who grew warm under Beez’s gaze.Why is he looking at me like that?


The demon blinked. “Huh? Oh. Yeah. Some friends of mine are having a blowout this weekend in Chicago, and you and me are on the guest list.” He puffed up his chest and smiled broadly.

Carter didn’t seem overly enthusiastic about the prospect. “We are?”

“Well, yeah.” Beez huffed. “You don’t need to look so excited about it.”

K.C. Wells's Novels