Page 41 of Holy Hell

And there lay Carter’s evil plan. Alcyhadto go to the party, because only then could Carter make them see what they were missing. Even if they were going to leave him, at least they could have each other, right?

Yeah, the thought of them leaving still felt like someone had stuck a knife in his guts and was slowly twisting the blade.

Chapter Fourteen

Carter closed his eyes in an effort to make the world stop spinning. He’d been lightheaded since the previous night, and the sensation was getting more pronounced.

I shouldn’t go to the party. I should stay here.

Except Beez wassolooking forward to it, and Carter was certain that if he told them he was sick, neither of them would go. He’d hate to disappoint Beez, yet he knew if he went, he’d stay as long as it took to do… whatever needed doing, then come home and crash—hard.

He glanced at the clock again. They should have been long gone by now, but Beez was sitting on the couch, eating from a bagful of chocolate pastries he’d bought from Starbucks, watching some inane dating show on TV, and making lewd comments about the contestants.

One of the men, a sexy bachelor, stepped up. Beez grinned. “See that guy? Helookslike he’s an eight, but I know from first…handexperience his dick is only a two.”

Carter sighed.I think I should take a nap.Maybe that would make him feel better.

Alcy didn’t seem to care about the party either: he was still in the bedroom. Carter had knocked to ask if he was ready to go, and Alcy had called out to say he’d be a few minutes yet. That had been forty minutes ago.

Look at me. I’m already a nervous wreck, and all they’re doing is adding to the stressful situation.

When the doorfinallyswung open, Carter took one glance before turning away, because he was sure he was drooling. Alcy was… fuck, stunning didn’t even cover it. He always dressed nice, but… wow. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt with intricate gold stitching on the chest and sleeves. His black pants were so tight, they might as well have been painted on. He’d obviously put gel in his hair, judging by the way it stood up in crimson spikes. The crowning touch was a pair of retro tortoiseshell glasses, which Carter had to admit would make him stand out in any crowd.

The drool seemed to have run out—Carter’s mouth was as dry as a desert. He swallowed hard past the lump in his throat, while doing his best to ignore the one in his own pants. “I like your nerd chic,” he finally got out.

“About time,” Beez groused. “Now I know whatyou’rewearing, I can get dressed.”

Carter turned to complain that there was no time for Beez to change, seeing as they were already way past late. He found Beez sporting the same garments as Alcy, but with the colors reversed. His shirt was crisp white with black trimmings, and his snow-white pants were shockingly beautiful and did an excellent job of showing off his… sizable gifts.

Next to the two stunning men, Carter felt inadequate.

Beez ambled over to Carter and tugged on his new—very expensive—shirt. “I have a feeling you’re going to be the belle of the ball,” he whispered. Then he plucked a non-existent thread from his shirt, and another…

Oh my God, he’s nervous.

Beez straightened. “About tonight… Carter, I—”

He knew what Beez was going to say—how they’d find someone for Carter—but he didn’t want to hear it, becauseno onewas ever going to be as perfect for him as these two hosts.

He spoke before his tears had a chance of spilling. “You said the party started at seven. It’s almost nine, and Chicago is ninety minutes from here by train.”

“Sure, if that’s how we were getting there.” Alcy chuckled. “Have you ever flown Host Airlines?”

Carter had never even heard of such a thing. “Um...”

Before he could get another word out, Alcy indicated Beez with a nod. “Beez? Would you like to do the honors?”

Beez slid his hand over Carter’s eyes. “Take a deep breath, then hold it for a moment.” When Carter could see again, they were standing on Halstead Street.

“What the—”

“Holy hosts.Thisis why we wouldn’t need a Lamborghini. We don’t have any other means of transportation, but we’re not limited to how many we can take. Easy and convenient. It’s how we got to you at the bookstore.” He tugged Carter’s arm. “C’mon, it’s just down the street.”

Carter followed, still awestruck by his surroundings. He’d been in Chicago once, years ago. He remembered a few things, like the Miracle Mile, the Shedd aquarium, and one of the museums, but that was it. “We’re in Chicago? Really?”

“You’re with a demon and an angel, but you’re freaked over the quick trip?” Beez chuckled. “You’re too funny.”

Beez had nailed it. Since the day an angel and a demon shown up in his room, Carter had been asking himself why he accepted the situation so easily. He knew part of the reason was because not once in his entire life had he ever felt so comfortable aroundanyone. The two of them exuded an aura that put Carter at ease. The thought that it would end one day twisted in his gut again. Or maybe it was nausea this time. He wasn’t exactly sure. His skin prickled with heat, but the night itself was cool, the sky clear, and the moon shone down on them like a spotlight.

K.C. Wells's Novels