Page 64 of Holy Hell

Aldus sighed. “This is such a lovely story, and I’m happy I got to take part in it.”

“It has so many amazing endings.” Supreme leaned back with a sigh. “I think I deserve a vacation.”

“How about breakfast?”

“As long as it’s your treat. You took my last five bucks.”

“That can be arranged.” Aldus stood and headed toward the exit.

Supreme rose and brushed their hands over the cobalt silk robes they wore. Before joining Aldus, they did a quick trip around the amphitheater, stroking a hand over each of the white gems that gleamed with an unearthly light, lingering on the newest additions.

“You know,” Supreme said, “Each of these are my successes. They’re my hosts, a gift to mankind. Each of them has found love and help to move the world closer toward becoming a paradise. It’s a long road, and we need to be patient. One day, people will push aside the hatred and bigotry, and they’ll finally come together as one.’

Supreme couldn’t wait for that day to finally arrive, when all the hard work paid off, and mankind gave up on war, prejudice, and greed, and they were ready to move into the era of enlightenment. And Carter, Beez, and Alcy, and the family they cobbled together, would be at the forefront of that change.

Supreme gave another sigh. “Yes, I think a vacation sounds stupendous. I know this little bookstore I’d like to visit again.” They turned and found Aldus waiting. “And I want pancakes with extra syrup. No skimping this time.”

Aldus chuckled as they made their way to the diner. “Whatever you say, Supreme. Whatever you say.”

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