Page 108 of One Fine Duke

“We’re leaving for Thornhill House today.”

“With the duchess, of course?”

Mina wasn’t sure about that, but Grizzy would never allow her to go if there was any doubt. “And Lady Beatrice,” she said.

“I’m quite proud of you, Wilhelmina.” Grizzy carefully set the butterfly onto a velvet cloth, and lifted another. “And so is your uncle, though I’m sure he didn’t tell you in so many words.”

When the truth came out, Mina would be such a disappointment to Grizzy.

“I know you think my taxidermy is unnatural,” said Grizzy with a smile.

“It’s rather odd.”

“My husband, Albert, was a game hunter, and he was always traveling. When he returned home from his hunting expeditions, he always brought another carcass, another head to mount on the wall. I hated those animals hung on my walls. Each one reminded me of one of Albert’s prolonged abandonments.”

Mina moved to sit in the chair next to Grizzy’s bed. She’d never heard her speak of her marriage. “Didn’t he want children?”

“Desperately. But every time I increased, by the fourth month I lost the babe. After I lost my fifth child, the doctors said that I could never bear children, that I was too scarred. Albert left then, and he never returned. I hated him for leaving but I didn’t blame him. What use was a wife who could bear no children? I allowed my grief to consume me. I stopped eating. I nearly died.”

Mina’s heart pinched. “How sad.”

“Then he died,” said Grizzy without betraying any emotion. “He was hunting tigers in Africa and one of the beasts had his revenge. They couldn’t even ship Albert back for me to bury. Do you know what they sent me?” Her hands shook as she continued her work. “His heart, preserved in a box. That’s what’s buried under his headstone. A heart. A heart that never belonged to me.”

The acrid scent of fixative filled Mina’s nostrils. She got up, walked to the window, and opened it. “You should let some air in. It’s not healthful to inhale those fumes.”

“None of this is healthful,” said Grizzy with a little laugh. “But it’s my own small way of finding delight. These creatures that I preserve, their lives were cut short by the cycle of nature. I give them a lasting life.”

She held a butterfly up to the light coming in from the window. “Some of them I give to museums. Others I keep in my home. My stuffed creatures do the things I never could do. My little hedgehogs get married, have children, go on grand tours of the Continent.”

“So that’s why you make clothing for them. I always wondered about that.”

“I never traveled out of England. I should have insisted on accompanying Albert on his expeditions. Or I should have embarked on an adventure of my own. I never had a day of trouble in my life.” Grizzy caught her eye. “Be bold and brave, Wilhelmina. Fight for what you believe in. I don’t want you to regret the roads not taken, as I do.”

“My mother gave me the same advice before...” She dashed away a tear from her cheek. “Before she died.”

“And now you’re leaving. Off with your duke to Cornwall.”

“I swear to you that I will come back to London soon and you will get stronger and we will have an adventure together. I’ll take you somewhere. Wherever you like.”

“Nonsense. I’m too old. It’s too late for me.”

“You’re a strong woman. You were broken and you rebuilt yourself. You’ll do it again and we’ll have our adventure.”

Grizzy ducked her chin, hiding a smile behind her hair. “Yes, my dear. Perhaps we will. And in the meantime, my duke hedgehog will wed his duchess vole. Her veil will be decorated with these butterflies.”

“I’m sure the wedding will be a grand occasion.”

“Off with you, girl. You have a duke to dazzle.”

“It’s not like that. It’s more of a convenient arrangement.”

Grizzy waved her brush in the air dismissively. “Oh you can deny it all you want but you can’t fool me. Every young lady desires a duke.”

Mina rose and bent to kiss her great-aunt’s cheek. She realized, with a lump in her throat, that she was going to miss Grizzy.

She had been a stern taskmaster, but now Mina understood her better. She’d only been trying to give Mina better opportunities than she’d been given.

And she was right about Drew.