Page 120 of One Fine Duke

“One moment,” he called.

He leapt out of bed, casting about for clean clothing. He stubbed his toe as he hopped across the room on one leg, attempting to don his undergarments.

He unlocked the door and opened it a crack. Beatrice stood outside, already dressed in her bonnet and pelisse. “I thought you said you wanted to leave early.”

“I must have overslept. Give me a moment.”

“I can’t find Mina. I think she must have taken a walk. She’s ready to leave, I’m sure.”

“I’ll be out in a moment. Put together a plate for me with a huge pile of sausages and mash, will you?”

He was ravenous.

“All right.” She gave him a curious glance. “Drew. What’s wrong?”


“You look... happy.”

“No I don’t.”

“You’re grinning like a fool.”

“Am I?” His lips refused to relinquish the smile.

She attempted to peek around his shoulder but he stepped outside the door.

“Breakfast plate,” he said firmly.

“I’ll fetch two plates,” his sister replied with a saucy grin.


“It’s paradise on earth, isn’t it?” Beatrice twirled around the enormous library of Thornhill House with her arms spread wide, skirts a swirl of blue.

Thornhill was every bit as brooding and forbidding as Mina had pictured, perched on a hill overlooking the ocean like a glowering gargoyle with a crown of thorny spires.

Drew was waiting outside with their mounts. They were riding on horseback to the inn at Falmouth where the Inspector and his men were waiting. Mina didn’t relish the idea of riding a horse, since she was quite sore from the previous night’s activities.

She blushed, thinking about it.

The things she’d said. It all seemed like a fever dream now. She wanted time to think it over, but they were on an urgent quest.

Galloping into danger.

“Just look at all of these books.” Only one side of Beatrice’s face was able to smile but Mina would call her expression a full body smile. She flung her arms wide, happier and more open than Mina had ever seen her.

“It must have more volumes than Hatchards. Only see the ladders on wheels. I’ll buzz around from book to book like a bee in a clover field. Isn’t it glorious?”

“I’m glad it makes you so happy.” It wasn’t Mina’s idea of paradise, but to each her own. “Thorndon is going to take me for a tour of Falmouth,” she said casually.

“What, this afternoon? We only just arrived.”

“He was insistent.”

“So that’s why you’re wearing that ruffled red silk gown. I thought it was a bit much for the countryside.”

Mina shook a wrinkle out of her shiny scarlet skirts. “This is a London gown, but Falmouth will have to do.”