Page 130 of One Fine Duke

“Mina will want to know all of this. I should go and find her and bring her here.”

“You love her, don’t you?” asked Rafe. “I never thought it would happen to you.”

“Neither did I.” Drew knew he was grinning foolishly again. It was all so new and so unbelievable. Could she truly love him? He wanted to hear her say the words again.

“That was quite a kiss,” said Rafe with a chuckle.

“I thought you had lost consciousness by then.”

“Saw enough of it to know that you’ve been utterly bewitched.”

“She wants to be... what you are, Rafe. That’s why she proposed to you. It made me so angry and jealous. But that’s all in the past. She said she loves me.”

“I’ve never seen you so happy. It’s rather disconcerting.”

“I know. Isn’t it? I’m completely off-balance and I don’t ever want to regain my footing.”

Mina sat on the edge of the bed in a guest chamber. Her entire body ached from the bruises and battle scars, but her heart ached even more.

She’d scrubbed the blood away, and the dirt, but the agonizing questions remained.

Drew was downstairs by Rafe’s bedside.

So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours and the only thing that she knew for certain was that she had no idea who she was.

It wasn’t about not being good enough, or not having the skills, it was something fundamental missing inside of her. The ability to distance herself, to see human beings as pawns, as expendable, to use any means necessary to achieve her goals.

The best agents had to be ruthless.

If she wasn’t a spy, then who was she?

She loved Drew; there was no doubt in her mind about that. But was it enough? He couldn’t be her reason for living. Marriage and living in the countryside had never been the plan.

He hadn’t proposed to her, he’d informed everyone on that ship that he was going to marry her. It had been such an utterly arrogant and dukelike thing to do.

Oh, it had all become so tangled.

She wished she had a mother to talk to, someone wiser than she. Maybe she should go back to Grizzy’s house. She needed time to think everything through. She couldn’t think clearly when Drew was near.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeve.

She had to leave. She needed space and time and she needed to decide who she wanted to become.

“What did you do to Mina?” Beatrice burst into the room, where Drew and Rafe were talking, her face blotched with red and her eyes fierce. She rounded on Drew. “She’s crying.”

“Ah.” Drew scratched his head. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You must have done something. She was crying and now she’s changing into her traveling dress. She’s leaving.”

“He kissed her,” said Rafe.

“And she kissed me back,” said Drew.

“When did you kiss her?” asked Beatrice.

“After we vanquished the villain. And before we returned home.”

“Where was this?”