Page 134 of One Fine Duke

That’s precisely what she’d thought.

“You can continue your studies,” he said. “You don’t have to do fieldwork. We will focus on your strengths.”

Mina couldn’t believe what her uncle was saying. “Do you mean that you’ll allow me to join your force?”

“I have no doubt that you’ll become my best code breaker.”

“I also want to develop weapons that only stun or temporarily immobilize a target,” she said eagerly. “Since I found that I have no taste for bloodletting, I’d like to make that my specialty.”

“An excellent idea,” agreed Sir Malcolm.

Mina’s heart lifted. Maybe she could achieve her dreams after all. She wouldn’t be a glamorous, sophisticated agent like her mother had been. She’d be behind the scenes. But she’d be useful.

Maybe she could honor her mother’s legacy, while finding a way to be with Thorndon. That was, if he still wanted her. Doubt seized her mind. She’d hurt him by leaving. She’d seen the pain and confusion in his eyes as she’d left.

“He loves you, Mina,” said her uncle, as if he could read her mind. “It’s obvious what you’re thinking about,” he added.

“Did he tell you that?”

“Not in so many words, but he did give me this and ask me to see that you received it.” Sir Malcolm handed her a small leather-bound notebook.

Mina read the title.The Dueling Debutante Dossier.

“I gather that it’s a detailed analysis of the reasons that you two were meant to be together,” said her uncle.

“Thank you,” Mina said. “For everything.”

“Well, are you going to read it?”

“I think I’ll go for a walk.”

Her uncle smiled. “You’ll need a coach to reach Cornwall, you know.”

Mina slipped the notebook in the pocket of her cloak and walked the short distance to the Thorndon town houses. The brandy still heated her belly.

The promise of reading Drew’s words set her heart ablaze.

Crankshaw answered her knock. “Why, MissPenny. What are you doing here? His Grace is still in Cornwall. I thought you’d be there with him.”

“I was wondering if I might sit in your gardens for a moment.”

Crankshaw paused. “Is everything all right?”

“I believe so. More than right. I think everything’s going to be beautiful.”

“I’m very glad to hear it. The house and gardens are yours, MissPenny.” He led her inside. “Please let me know if you need anything. Anything at all.”

Mina walked the garden path. She passed the swing where she’d sat with Lady Beatrice. It seemed so long ago. The last of the summer roses clung to the bushes, petals curled and ready to fall.

She opened the door of the garden shed and stepped inside, closing it behind her. Light filtered in through the small windows, enough to read by.

Was it her imagination, or was there a lingering scent of spiced almonds in this shed? Her memory supplied Drew. Rising from the shadows.

Kneeling before her as she tied his cravat.

She opened the notebook with trembling fingers.

It was two pages long and penned in a strong, steady hand as commanding as the man who wrote it. There were moments of lighthearted silliness, and moments that made her weep.