Page 30 of One Fine Duke

Past tense. All of it past tense.

All of the ladies at the ball—they’d only wanted him for the title and the fortune.

Had he lost his devilish charm? He used to be irresistible. He was still attractive, wasn’t he?

The standing glass in the corner of the room said he was still handsome.

Moonlight was a nice, flattering light, not that he required flattering.

He examined his face in the glass. Chin still firm. Not a hint of wattle.

Jawline strong. All of his own hair. His father had been balding much earlier. Drew was only nine and twenty.

He lifted his nightshirt over his head and threw it on his bed.

He flexed both of his arms until his fists framed his head and his biceps popped into impressive relief.

Not bad.

It wasn’t fashionable to be so muscled. His valet had said it frightened delicate young ladies and had advised Drew to go on a reducing diet.

In Drew’s experience, once you got a woman into bed, she was inclined to appreciate strength if employed for her pleasure.

He could lift most women with one arm. Wrap their legs around his waist and carry them to bed.

He could lift two women with one arm. Not that he’d tried anything so sporting lately.

As a youth, he’d tried all of the dark and secret ways to forget the trauma of his kidnapping—loveless couplings, brandy, whisky, living midnight to midnight.

He hadn’t found anything that helped until he moved to Thornhill House and the enormous scale of the problems with the estate had dwarfed his own suffering. He’d thrown himself into improving the estate and he’d found a kind of tranquility of mind.

Good, honest hard work not only honed the body, but it also quieted the mind.

He tensed the muscles of his abdomen and slapped his belly with one hand. Taut and firm. No hint of a paunch.

He angled his hips forward and spread his legs wide. He had a damn fine cock, if he did say so himself. Never had any complaints there. Though it hadn’t seen much action in the last few years. He’d been so focused on his work.

Remove your coat, Your Grace.

What kind of young lady forced a duke to strip at gunpoint? It had been outrageous and... arousing. Extremely arousing.

He gripped his prick with his fist, wondering what MissPenny might say if she could see him now. He had no clothing to remove.

He was entirely naked. Hard and ready for her.

Remove your gown, MissPenny.

That’s what he’d say to her if she were brave enough to be in this room with him.

Lie back on that bed. Spread your legs. Touch yourself for me.

His breathing caught in his chest as he pictured her obeying his instructions, spreading for him like a flower opening to the sun.


What the...? What was happening right now?

Mina ducked further into the shrubbery and averted her eyes. Despite her bonnet’s protection a sharp thorn scratched her cheek.