Page 67 of One Fine Duke

“Yes? Wherever it is you’d better try it.”

“It’s in a sensitive location,” he said.

“I don’t care. Do what you have to do.”

Her breath went shallow and her heart beat wildly as his fingers brushed her inner thighs. Luckily, all the blood in her body was rushing to her head and not to... other parts.

“I wish I could do this in a more delicate manner but it’s... there. I’ve got it,” he said.

Nothing happened except that she experienced a longing for him to touch her again. Where his fingers had accidentally brushed. Her nerves were fraying. “This is the most ridiculous chair. I can’t believe anyone would take themselves seriously while using it.”

“It’s a damned death trap,” said Thorndon, fumbling around the sides of the chair, accidentally brushing her thighs with his fingers. “Pardon my language, MissPenny. But if we don’t find a way to free you soon, this could become extremely embarrassing for both of us.”

“We’re well past embarrassing, don’t you think? It’s becoming very hot and difficult to breathe under these petticoats. Would you mind lifting them away from my face?”

He rolled her skirts up and tucked them gingerly between her thighs.

She sucked in the sweet air, giddy with relief. The sudden illumination from a nearby lamp made her eyes smart, and rendered Thorndon an indistinct blur, looming over her.

Then a sensuous mouth appeared above a black silk cravat. “Are you all right?” he asked.

“I can breathe better now and my modesty is more protected,” she responded.

With her hands stretched over her head and her feet higher than her face, he could not fail to notice her bosom spilling over her bodice. Mina had never felt so vulnerable... so exposed. She must be a sight. No doubt her face was as red as a beet.

“I’m going to set you free. I promise.” He ran his hands along the sides of the chair. “I don’t see or feel any more gears to try.”

Perspiration slid down her forehead. “Have you tried directly under the chair?”

He immediately dropped to his knees and ducked underneath the chair.

“There’s a series of buttons,” he called.

“Good. Try the first one.”

The sound of gears beginning to grind. She was saved! Wait... no she wasn’t. Her ankles were being drawn farther apart. “Not that one!” The slit in her drawers. Everything would be exposed.Everything.“Do not, on pain of death, look at me.”

“I would never do that. The person who’s going to die is Rafe. When I find him, he’ll answer for this.”

“Press the same button again.” Her ankles moved closer together and she breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m trying the middle one now,” he called.

The chair arms began to rotate, taking her arms up with them and over her head. “Not that one either,” she groaned.

Her hands moved back down.

“Last one,” he said grimly.

“Wait,” she said. “Don’t press it yet. If it controls the restraints, I could tumble out and hit my head. We’ll have to think of a way to do this. You could pile cushions beneath my head.”

“My arms are long enough to reach the button and be ready to catch you if you start to slide.”

Of course they were.

A flood of relief swamped her mind as the restraints snapped open and began to recede back into the chair. She slid down the velvet cushions.

“I’ll catch you, Miss Penny,” Thorndon said.