Page 75 of One Fine Duke

“How do you do?” asked Mina politely, immediately on her guard. This was the lady who had always been horrid to Lady Beatrice, the one who’d set her eye on Mina’s prize.

Not my prize.

“Oh, simply divine.” Lady Millicent smiled. “Are you enjoying the gardens?”

“They’re magical, are they not?”

“It’s all paint and paste. Merely a clever illusion of grandeur,” said Lady Millicent. “I shouldn’t want to see it in the harsh light of day.”

Worldly. Sophisticated. Elegant.Lady Millicent was everything Mina aspired to become and yet... her eyes were cold and her smile felt more like a sneer.

“It’s my first time,” Mina explained.

“Oh, believe me, I’m well aware of that. I’ve been doing some research, you see. I know all about you, MissWilhelmina Penny, ward of Sir Malcolm, of Sutton Hall, formerly of Berwick Street, London.”

“Er... research?”

“Know thine enemies, MissPenny. One of my mottos.”

“Are we enemies, Lady Millicent?”

“We are.” Lady Millicent kept her voice pitched low, so that only Mina could hear. “Don’t think you can arrive fresh from the countryside, with no education, no accomplishments, and claim the greatest prize on the marriage mart. I’ve worked too hard for this. I was born to become a duchess, and who are you? A nobody.”

“Do you feel threatened by me, Lady Millicent?”

“Ha. Of course not. I only want you to know that I recognize your tactics. If I had known that Thorndon would arrive in London so suddenly, I certainly would have befriended the sister. Don’t think I don’t know about what you’re doing tonight.”

For a brief moment Mina thought she might be referring to the exchange of coins for information, but then she reminded herself that Lady Millicent would have no way of knowing about any of that. “Whatever do you mean, Lady Millicent?”

“Befriending Beastly Beatrice to insinuate yourself into the duke’s inner sphere.”

Mina’s body went still. “Don’t call her that.”

“Everyone knows she only has half a pretty face and half her wits as well.”

“You need to stop talking now,” said Mina.

“Or what, you’ll slap me in full view of everyone? My, wouldn’t that cause a scene.”

Mina’s fists clenched. Lady Millicent was goading her, taunting her. She wanted her to make a scene.

Stay calm. Walk away.

Mina drew herself up to her full height, though she was inches shorter than her statuesque opponent. “If you were a man, Lady Millicent, I would throw down my glove and challenge you to a duel. Since you are a lady, I shall turn the other cheek and walk away.”

Lady Millicent burst into laughter. “A duel? You can’t be in earnest.”

“I’m deadly in earnest. I’ve a pistol in my reticule.”

Lady Millicent laughed harder. Heads swiveled toward them. A lovely brunette lady wearing glowing pink silk approached. “What’s so funny, Millie?” she asked.

“MissPenny wants to challenge me to... a duel, Chloe!” gasped Lady Millicent between giggles.

“Hush,” said Mina. People were beginning to stare.

“Says she has a... pistol in her... reticule!” More peals of laughter. Lady Millicent was deliberately causing a scene.

“Petticoats and pistols at dawn,” said Chloe. “What shall we call her, Millie?”