Page 86 of One Fine Duke

Drew strode into the room. “Forgive the intrusion, but you forgot your shawl in my carriage, MissPenny.” He held out her ivory pashmina.

“Your Grace,” said Sir Malcolm. “I believe we have much to discuss.”

“Indeed?” asked Drew.

“Indeed.” Mina moved toward him quickly. She’d whisper in his ear as she accepted her shawl.

A hand clamped around her elbow and directed her, none too gently, toward the door.

“This is between gentlemen, Wilhelmina,” said Sir Malcolm.


Her uncle pushed her out of the room. The door closed with an ominous click.

Dismissed. Locked outside. Her future a matter between gentlemen.

She bit her lip so hard that it bled.

If Drew chose to corroborate her lie, then she might be allowed to stay in London.

But why would he? She’d made sure to antagonize him from the moment she met him. And all of those inappropriate kisses, most of which she had initiated. He didn’t think of her as a respectable, sensible candidate for his marriage of convenience.

She’d dug her own grave.

When he told her uncle that she’d lied, there would be no option but to go back to Sutton Hall or run away with no money, no means of supporting herself.

Sir Malcolm’s network of informants and spies would find her within hours.

Her entire future hinged on Drew trusting her to have had a valid reason for lying about their relationship.

Her entire future was in his hands.


Mina paced up and down the hallway. After what seemed like years the door to the parlor finally opened.

“You may join us, Wilhelmina,” said Sir Malcolm. She couldn’t tell anything from his voice or his expression—he was unreadable as ever.

She walked into the room, her heart leaping into her throat.

Drew had a forbidding expression on his face. He had his arms crossed over his chest, her shawl still draped over his arm.

Her heart sank. He hadn’t covered for her. How could she have expected him to go along with such a wild and unprincipled scheme? He prided himself on his iron control over his life.

Had she really expected him to throw caution and control to the wind and lie to her uncle’s face?

“Go to your room and gather your things, Wilhelmina,” Drew said. “You’re coming to live with my mother until our wedding by special license.”


She searched his face. He gave her a nearly imperceptible nod, a small glimmer of warmth.

She couldn’t believe it. He’d lied for her.

She wanted to fling herself into his arms and pull his head down to her level for a glorious thank you kiss. But instead she merely inclined her head in an elegant manner befitting a future duchess. “Of course, my Duke.”

“Take the long way home,” Drew instructed his coachman after he handed Mina into his carriage. He wanted some time to talk to her before he brought her home.