Page 94 of One Fine Duke

She’d have to question Beatrice in private.

“I do consider mechanical modification to be one of my talents,” said Mina. “I have a flintlock pistol with me, one that uses a flint striking ignition, but at home I’m working on an ignition device that will be able to fire reliably in all weather conditions.”

“Ooh. And will it be named after you?” asked MissFinchley.

“I hardly think so. My aim isn’t for fame, but rather to aid those who use weaponry responsibly and for the prevention, rather than the perpetuation, of war.”

MissFinchley nodded her approval. “A worthy goal, MissPenny.”

“Truly though, anything can be used as a weapon if you are called upon to defend yourself,” Mina continued. “Even these knitting needles, wielded with the right amount of force and velocity against a man’s more vulnerable regions, could mean time to make your escape.”

“Will you give us a demonstration?” asked MissBeaton. “All of us are sometimes called upon to take risks and knowing how to defend ourselves would be most welcome.”

“I’d be happy to. Why don’t you tell me about your talents first, MissBeaton?”

“You probably know of my father, Mr.Louis Beaton.”

“The famous composer?”

“I finished his last symphony,” said MissBeaton proudly. “He’s quite deaf now, and too feeble to write. By day I’m a music instructor to the Duke of Westbury’s sisters, but by night I write powerful, passionate symphonies. I’ve entered one into a contest held by the Royal Society of Musicians.”

“And of course you know that I’m working on an etymological dictionary,” said Beatrice. “For which I require the use of my brother’s library at Thornhill House.”

“You must convince him to allow you to move there for at least a year,” said MissFinchley.

“The world must have your book,” agreed MissMayberry.

Beatrice finished her tea. “And the bachelors of London certainly won’t go into mourning if I declare myself a spinster.”

Mina was beginning to like the Ladies Knitting League. “And you, MissMayberry?”

“She’s the boldest one of us all,” enthused Beatrice. “Tell her, Isobel.”

MissMayberry was about to speak when Fern came running into the room. “Ladies, I’m very sorry but there’s a man at the door. Lady Beatrice, it’s your brother, the duke. He insists on coming in.”

“Code alpha, code alpha,” shouted MissMayberry.

The ladies sprang into action, grabbing knitting needles and balls of yarn and frantically beginning to knit.


“Code alpha?” Mina whispered to Beatrice.

“When a man arrives unexpectedly we must hide our seditious activities.” Beatrice thrust a knitting basket into Mina’s hands. “Knit!”

“But I don’t know how to knit...” Mina froze as Drew strode into the room, all wavy dark hair, chiseled jaw, and golden eyes.

Several of the ladies glanced up from their knitting and never looked down again.

Drew took in the scene in one swift glance. The ladies knitting, Mina with a basket in her arms, not knitting.

He cleared his throat. “Ladies.”

“Your Grace,” said MissBeaton with an angelic smile on her face. “Are you here to make a donation to our cause?”

The sound of needles clicking industriously provided a counterpoint to their conversation. Mina hoped Drew didn’t notice that some of the needles were being held upside down.

He made a clipped bow. “I already left a sum with your maid. I came on a different errand, however. Might I borrow MissPenny for a short while?”