His gaze rakes over me, his eyes warming with raw appreciation. “You look beautiful, Your Highness.”

“You’re rather handsome yourself.” I turn toward the table near the door to fetch my gloves, hoping he can’t tell how nervous I am.

Alex offers his arm once I’m ready, and we walk down the hall together. He’s silent, lost in thought just like earlier. I glance at him, uncertain.

Finally, I ask, “Is something bothering you?”

He looks over, giving me an apologetic smile. “Forgive me—my mind is consumed with the casting options.”

“I imagine it’s a difficult decision. The success of your theater depends upon you making the right choices.”

Alex gives me a wry smile. “Thank you for easing the burden.”

I laugh, relishing the way it feels to walk arm in arm with him. He smells good, like expensive cologne. The fragrance is so subtle, I didn’t notice it until we were close, making me wonder if he wore it for me.

Alex’s carriage waits for us in front of the hotel, and a footman opens the door when he sees us approaching. With a crisp bow, he says, “Good evening, Mr. Devereaux.”

It’s dark by this time of night at home, but the sun is just setting in Davon, washing the clouds in coral and bright orange.

Summer evenings are my favorite. The smell of lavender and grass perfumes the air, and the temperature is warm without being sweltering like it is in the afternoons.

Alex helps me into the carriage and then sits across from me. The footman closes the door behind us, and moments later, we’re leaving the hotel grounds and turning onto the busy street.