Alex searches my eyes for several seconds, and then he drops his hands on my shoulders. His skin is warm against mine, the contact so welcome I shiver again.

Angling his head, Alex leans down, moving so slowly it feels as if time is standing still. When his breath feathers over my lips, I close my eyes.

The kiss is soft and chaste, lingering, yet not long enough. But just when my eyes begin to flutter open, Alex moves his hand to the back of my neck and kisses me again.

This time, his lips are hot against mine, firm and welcome. I lean into him, needing to touch him as he’s touching me. The silver buttons of his waistcoat are cool against my palm, and the expensive brocade is slick and textured. Alex’s heart thrums under my hand, its pace as erratic as my own.

Slowly, he tilts his head back. We stare at each other, old memories replaced with new ones. Alex’s eyes are dark and wanting, and when he slowly leads me to the settee, I don’t object.

“Sabine,” he says softly, pulling me onto his lap. “How many nights have I dreamed of you, and now you’re here?”

I wrap my arms around his neck, teasing my lips against his until he presses his hand to my back and drags me against him. Alex deepens the kiss, his warm, soft lips coaxing mine to part. I breathe in the smell of his cologne, riding high on euphoria as I thread my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.

There’s a sense of urgency, both of us knowing once I go back to Faerie, I won’t return. All we’re given is this one evening, this slice of time before we must part for the night.

We’re not as young as we were when we first met. I’m no longer a blushing youth plagued with butterflies from a simple touch, but Alex makes me relive that feeling. I’m weightless, my senses tingling.

Alex tilts his head back to look at me, brushing his knuckles over my cheek. For the first time in my life, I understand what it means to be thoroughly kissed—but my greedy heart wants more. More of Alex’s kisses, more of his soft, tender caresses.

But a yawn suddenly overtakes me, and I laugh as I turn away.

Alex pulls me into an embrace, turning us so we lie on the settee side-by-side, tucking me close against him. He drapes one arm around my middle and pillows my head with the other.

“What are you doing?” I ask softly.

“You’re tired.”

I turn in his arms to look at him. “That doesn’t mean I want you to stop kissing me.”

“Tempting girl,” he murmurs, nuzzling my hair. “Can’t I hold you?”

The words warm me. I close my eyes, snuggling into him. Softly, I whisper, “I don’t want to go home.”

Alex is quiet for several minutes. He strokes my hand, lulling me into a place of perfect peace.

“What if you don’t leave?” he asks when I’m just beginning to drift. “What if you remain in Davon?”

I open my eyes, staring up at him blankly, my sleep-hazed mind too consumed with the feel of him to fully register his words.

“Stay,” he begs softly. “Stay with me.”

I sit up slowly, dropping my legs over the edge of the settee. I set my hand over his, and Alex immediately laces our fingers.

“I’ve already lingered too long,” I say, heartsick. “Any more time would simply prolong our parting.”

“Sabine.” Alex’s voice is a plea. He sits up as well, turning to face me. “What if you remain in Davon for the show? What if I give you a part?”

“A part?” I ask, bewildered by his strange behavior. “What’s gotten into you?”

His smoke-blue eyes smile back at me. “Be my prima donna—take the leading role.”

I blink at him, slowly realizing he’s serious. “Alex.”

“I need you,” he whispers. “I want you.”

And for just one heartbeat…I imagine it.

Then I shake my head, softly laughing at the absurdity of it. “Of course you don’t need me. You have Candace—the darling of all Davon. Why would you place me in your leading role? I’ve never even performed before.”