Brahm scowls at the mess. “I have no idea.”

Laughing, I toss the palette back onto the pile. “The goblins returned my belongings.”

Drake cringes. “You humans collect lovely things.”

Perhaps worried I’m going to ask him to help lug it all inside, he turns toward the manor, leaving us to deal with it.

Brahm eyes my possessions with the same distaste as his brother. “You don’t plan to keep those things, do you?”

“No,” I laugh. “They’re not good for anything now. Besides, I traded them all that day. They aren’t really mine anymore.”

Looking perplexed, Brahm cocks his head to the side. “Traded them for what?”

I step close and stand on my tiptoes. “A chance to meet you.”

He drapes his arms around my back, so handsome he steals my breath. “And would you say it was a good trade?”

I shrug, feigning indifference. “I think it turned out all right.”

Brahm scoffs as if offended, and I pull him down for a kiss.

As we walk down the lane to join Drake and Regina, I glance back at the rosy forest, remembering the day Brahm and I met. Though he saved me from the goblins, in many ways, we saved each other.

I think it turned out very well indeed.

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