Brahm leans forward slightly. “Do we? And what might that reputation be?”

As if he doesn’t know.

I boldly meet his eyes. “People say Fae men are wickedly romantic. Others claim your kisses are intoxicating. I can’t imagine there’s a human girl alive who hasn’t passed a Fae man on the street and didn’t wonder what it would be like to have him woo her.”

He cocks his head to the side. “Even you, Alice?”

I shrug as a smile toys at my face, refusing to answer.

“I’m afraid it’s nothing but a rumor,” Brahm says with a dismissive wave. “There are as many unromantic Fae men as there are human ones, and there is nothing about our magic that would have that effect. But I find the thought flattering nevertheless.”

“Perhaps it’s because you’re all so handsome. It would be a shame to have a face like yours and not be at least a little romantic.”

“You think I’m handsome?” Brahm asks, his amusement finally shining through his facade.

“How could I not? But don’t worry—you’re safe from my advances. I fancy someone else.”

His forehead creases. “Someone else?”

“I met him before I came to your estate,” I admit, observing him carefully.

“Who is this man?”

“Just a…human.”

“Why didn’t you go to him instead of coming to me when your brother lost your home?” Brahm demands.

I almost smile. “It’s complicated, but I don’t think he wants me. Even when we’re close, I feel like he’s pushing me away.”

Brahm stares at me. His eyes narrow, and he opens his mouth even though it seems he’s been struck mute.

“I wish he would trust me.” I lean forward. “He would learn that I’m painfully loyal to those I care about.”

Slowly, Brahm nods. “Perhaps he has his reasons.”

“Perhaps.” I sit back. “And I will respect that.”

“You will?” he asks, startled.

“I don’t want to.” I wrinkle my nose. “But I will.”

After another heavy moment, Brahm laughs as if uncomfortable and rubs the back of his neck. “We’ve gotten off subject. You never told me where you would like to eat.”

* * *

The teahouse isslow early in the afternoon, as I knew it would be—that’s why I picked it. If I was the subject of gossip before, just imagine how people’s tongues will wag when they see me dining with the man who locked up my brother.

Even I wonder if I’m being disloyal to my family in some way, but I’m not allowing it to bother me too much. I have too many legitimate concerns to give that much thought.

I recognize the hostess immediately. Callie’s eyes widen when I step inside with Brahm, and she hurries forward to greet us. We are casual friends, though she works too often to be close—another reason I chose this establishment. She’s the youngest daughter of a local businessman, sweet and rational, and I know she’s not likely to spread rumors.

“Alice!” she exclaims.

Her eyes flutter to Brahm before she gives me a very subtle questioning look.

“Everyone says you disappeared. We thought you went to stay with family after…” Her expression softens. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“Hello, Callie.” I glance around and find other curious eyes watching us. I don’t recognize any of the patrons, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t recognize me. “Brahm, this is my childhood friend, Callie. Callie, I’d like to introduce you to Lord Ambrose.”