Page 2 of Ransom Ranch

“Everything I need is right here,” Grant answered her. Sitting on the edge of the tub, he started removing his shirt.

“What…what are you doing?” This was something she had dreamed about, but never thought would be reality. The brothers had been very attentive to her the last few weeks, little touches and kisses. She thought they were just showing her sympathy because of her dad. Maybe it was more than that, now that she looked back.

“I’m going to wash your back. Would you like that? I don’t want to get my clothes wet, now, do I?”

“Oh, okay.” Stacie didn’t know what to say. All her fantasies and dreams were coming true. Could it be possible that all three brothers would want her? They had been acting like it. Then, all her dreams would really come true.

Even before she started working for the brothers, she had been in love with them. She knew it was wrong to love all three of them, but she did. She could never choose between them. They all were different and amazing men. Each of them was special in a different way.

Grant was kind and made her laugh. It never failed. He could always bring humor to the situation.

Jake, the middle brother, was the quiet one, the thinker. If Stacie needed advice or just someone who would listen, Jake was the one she went to.

Seth liked to play the devil’s advocate, and when she was in the mood for an argument, she went to him. He would argue anything with anybody.

Grant had his shirt off and had stood and was removing his pants. “Why…what?’ Stacie stuttered, not sure what she was trying to say. She wanted to watch, but was too embarrassed.

“I’m going to get in with you, honey, so I can wash your back. Scoot up.”

Stacie complied without thinking, sitting up and moving forward to make room for him. Stacie sat straight up, trying not to touch any more of him than she had to. She didn’t know how to react. So far, it was just like her dreams.

“Relax, baby.” Grant slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him, her bottom settled between his legs so that his erection was pressed against the soft cleft of her buttocks. Raising his hands, he let his fingers lightly graze her breasts and felt her indrawn breath. “Nothing’s going to happen that you don’t want to, okay?” he told her softly.

Stacie let her breath out and let herself lean slightly back, almost touching, but not quite.

Grant let his palms graze her nipples and kissed the back of her neck. “Relax, it’s just you and me. I won’t hurt you.”

Stacie turned her head to look at him and he brushed her mouth with his. “You like this,” Grant said as he lightly pinched each nipple.

Stacie arched her back, pressing her breasts further into his hands unconsciously, her body ready and willing for more, even if her mind wasn’t there yet. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that she was sitting in the bathtub with Grant, so she just closed her eyes and stopped trying. This was what she wanted and she was going to enjoy it.

Grant felt some of the tension leave Stacie’s body and let one hand drift across her stomach to her curl-covered mound. Threading his fingers in the hair there, he held her a moment before letting one finger part her folds to find her needy clit.

“Do you ever touch yourself here, Stacie?” he asked, licking the shell of her ear.

Stacie shuddered and nodded.

“I can’t hear you, baby. What did you say?”

“Yessss,” she answered with a hiss as he applied pressure to her clit.

“Good girl. Who do you think of when you touch yourself?”

Oh God, she couldn’t answer that question. How could she tell this wonderful man that she thought about not only him, but both of his brothers, too?

Applying a little more pressure and circling his finger, Grant gently bit her earlobe and asked, “Do you think about Seth”—a gentle nibble—“or Jake?” Another nibble. “What about me? do you think of me?” Applying more pressure. “Do you think of all of us at once? Would you like to have us all?” He slipped one long finger gently inside her.

“Oh God, yes!” Stacie screamed as Grant’s finger went inside her.

Jake and Seth were sitting in the master bedroom listening, and high-fived each other when they heard Stacie’s scream. Their plan was coming together.

“You want us all, don’t you, baby?” he asked, moving his finger in and out of her while still applying pressure to her clit.

“Yes, yes, I do. I shouldn’t, but I do,” she cried. She was so ashamed. It wasn’t right to want all three of them. What was she going to do? She would have to quit her job and move. She couldn’t choose. Even with what Grant was doing to her, her mind wouldn’t stop. What was she going to do?

Slowing his motions, Grant could feel her conflict. “Stacie, it’s okay to want us all. We all want you. We have for years. All we ever talked about is sharing a woman. We want you to be that woman.”

“You do?” She still wasn’t sure this was right.