Page 20 of Ransom Ranch

“Baby, this is Cecelia and her Master, Drake. Cece has been Master Drake’s sub for several years. You have permission to talk to her and ask any questions you want her to answer. We are all going over here to talk a few minutes and will leave you alone to visit with Cece. Do not leave this area and do not talk to anyone but her,” Grant explained.

Stacie nodded, still not comfortable, and continued looking at the floor.

Jake lifted her chin and leaned down, brushing her lips with his. “You’re doing fine, babe. Are you okay with Cece?”

“Yes, Sir,” Stacie answered quietly.

Jake gave her another kiss before all four men walked off.

Stacie didn’t know where to start and just continued looking at the same spot of the floor.

“Hi, how are you?” Cece started the conversation.

“I really don’t know how to answer that.” Stacie laughed. “‘Overwhelmed’ I guess would be the best answer.”

“First time in a club?”

“Yeah. I don’t know much about this stuff and got my ass reamed in the car for cussing and wearing panties,” she said, giggling.

“Yeah, most masters don’t tolerate that well. I’ve been punished for that more times that I want to think about.” Cece smiled and laughed.

Stacie relaxed and started to open up to the woman and asked several questions, which Cece answered and explained for her.

Suddenly, Cece’s eyes went wide and Stacie felt her arm being grabbed. Someone was pulling her to her feet.

“You, come with me. I will master you for the night.” The man that had grabbed her was big, but not as big as her men.

Before Stacie had time to protest, she had been pulled against a hard chest and Jake and Seth were dragging the man off, explaining that she was theirs and no one else would play with her. Drake had also grabbed Cece and was holding her close.

Grant sat in one of the chairs and pulled her onto his lap, holding her tight and murmuring into her ear, calming her with his words and body.

“Will they hurt him?” Stacie asked quietly.

“No, they are just going to talk to him and then take him to security. He broke several rules grabbing you like that, and the security men in the club will deal with him.”

“Will he be in trouble?” Stacie had been scared, but the man hadn’t really hurt her.

“If he’s new here, the rules will be reinforced and he might have his membership suspended for a time. It’s up to the security team and owners of the club to decide what to do with him.”

Jake and Seth were back and both squatted down in front of her to make sure she was okay and reassure her that they would not leave her alone again.

Within a few minutes, Stacie saw several men escorting the man that had grabbed her back toward them. The brothers were immediately defensive, and Jake and Seth quickly stood on either side of the chair Grant was holding her in. Stacie felt Grant tighten his hold.

The group walked up to them and one of the men stepped forward. “Stacie, this is Daniel Owens, one of the owners of the Dark Desires club,” Seth introduced the man. “The men with him are his partner, and his brother, Dustin. The other men are Rock Ramsey and Colton Andrews. They are in charge of security here at the club.” Each man extended his hand and shook Stacie’s as they were introduced.

“Stacie, this is Max Conners. He’s a new member of the club and wasn’t aware he was breaking any rules when he grabbed you,” Dustin explained to her.

Max stepped forward and, looking to Seth for permission, took her hand. “I didn’t realize that I wasn’t in the unclaimed subs area and thought you two girls were waiting for a master. These gentlemen have explained how this club works and I hope you accept my apology,” he told Stacie and her men sincerely.

Looking to her men to make sure she could answer Max and getting the nod from Seth, she accepted Max’s apology and squeezed his hand before he released her. He shook hands with each of the brothers before the security team escorted him away.. Dustin and Daniel stayed and apologized again and reinforced that they were going to be going over the rules with Max again before he was allowed back in the club.

Seth stepped away and spoke with the owners of the club for a few minutes before returning the Stacie. “Are you okay, honey?” he asked.

Stacie nodded and cuddled into Grant. She felt safe and protected with the three brothers and knew they would never let anyone hurt her.

Jake took her hand and helped her off Grant’s lap. “We’re going to walk around and watch a few scenes, then we have a private room reserved where we can talk and play. As we are walking around, I want you to keep your eyes down until one of us tells you it’s okay to watch the scene. When you are watching a scene, if you have any questions, ask one of us, okay?”