Page 4 of Ransom Ranch

Grant looked at her and winked. “It’s flavored, baby. Cherries. We’re going to taste every inch of you.”

Stacie felt a small shudder go through her body, and it wasn’t long before tongues replaced fingers.

Jake and Grant were each licking around her nipples and Seth was between her legs. He had lotioned her feet and up her calves, then spread her legs.

“Has anyone tasted your pussy, baby?” Seth knew she was innocent, and wanted to give her a little warning of what was going to happen.

Stacie shook her head no, and thought, Oh my God, he’s not going to…Then he did.

Seth started by using his thumbs to part her labia for him, and then he leaned down and, with just the tip of his tongue, barely touched her clit. It was still sensitive from Grant’s play in the tub and she jerked when he touched her.

“Shh, baby, it’s okay,” he murmured as he did it again, only this time it was more of a lick. Jake and Grant each were nipping and sucking on her nipples. Her body was a mass of sensations and she couldn’t focus one any one part. When she started focusing on what Seth was doing, Jake took the nipple on his side in his mouth and bit it. Then Grant did the same on his side.

Stacie couldn’t help herself, and soon she was moaning and arching, her body trying to get more. She needed more.

Before she knew it, she was chanting the word “more” over and over, not sure what she was asking for.

Seth had been sucking and licking her clit and could feel the juices flowing from her pussy. He slid one finger inside her cunt, and though she was tight and he could feel the barrier of her virginity, he could tell her body was preparing for what was coming next.

Nodding to his brothers, he removed his jeans and underwear, grabbing a condom from his pocket first. He didn’t like condoms, but he didn’t know if Stacie was on birth control, and they weren’t ready to talk about children yet. They would one day in the not-so-far future, but tonight was not about that.

Jake and Grant slowly moved away, letting Seth take completely over. He lifted himself from where he was licking and sucking and rose over her. Leaning on his arms, he brushed his lips back and forth over hers, gradually increasing the pressure until he was thrusting his tongue in, reaching to every corner of her mouth.

Stacie lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer.

Seth broke the kiss and pulled back a little from her. “Do you know what’s going to happen next, honey?” he asked her quietly.

“I think so,” she answered just as softly.

“Honey, it will be a little uncomfortable because this is your first time. I’m not a small man, but I’ve prepared you as much as I can and I think you’re ready, I’m going to stretch you some with my fingers first. Is it okay if Grant and Jake stay? We all want to be a part of this, and they want you as much as I do.”

“Yes, I want them here. If I could I would let you each, but I don’t know…”

“Babe, it’s okay. We all love you, and if we are here, we will all experience it with you,” Jake told her, taking one of her hands and kissing the palm.

Grant did the same with her other palm and although she didn’t realize it, they were actually restraining her hands, so that she couldn’t move them. They were slowly going to introduce her into their world of BDSM. The brothers had been practicing BDSM for several years and hoped it was something Stacie would enjoy with them.

Grant and Jake continued holding her hands and talking soothingly to her, while Seth moved back between her legs. He was slowly streching her her with one finger, thrusting it in and out, going a little further each time, preparing her for what he would do with his cock. It didn’t hurt and actually felt good, like what Grant had done in the bathtub. When he felt she was ready, he added a second, then third finger, stretching and readying her to take his cock. Eventually, he had her as stretched as he could and he couldn’t wait any longer. He fitted the large head of his penis to her small opening.

As the oldest brother, it had been decided that he would be Stacie’s first and the other brothers would have her later. They would all be with her and were willing to go slow and make sure it was good for her.

Slowly pushing his large cock inside her, he used her juices and worked himself in and out, watching her face for the slightest pinched look, a sign of pain. He didn’t want to hurt her any more than necessary and wanted it to be as good for her as he could make it.

He heard his brothers murmuring to her and encouraging her to relax and they would take care of her. They were kissing her han

ds and fingers and rubbing her palms.

Just before he pushed through the barrier, he leaned down and spoke against her mouth. “Okay, honey, this is it. Relax as much as you can for me.”

Then he thrust forward with his hips, burying his dick deep inside her. He felt her jerk and saw a tear trail down her face. Licking the tear away, he held as still as he could.

“Honey, that’s as bad as it gets. It will just get better from here.” Seth reached between them and started fingering her clit, bringing her back up. Bracing himself on his hand, he increased the pace of his thrusts until Stacie was moaning and panting his name.

“Seth, please,” she chanted over and over, arching her body to meet his every thrust. When he felt her cunt tightening on him, he increased the pressure on her clit and gave her what she needed to come with him.

Stacie screamed his name and he came with a groan of his own. Stacie was by no means the first woman he had been with, but nothing had ever been like this before. It was as if she was made for him and his brothers. She was perfect.

Seth had first seen Stacie when she had just graduated from high school, at nineteen, and she had her entire life ahead of her. He had been in the grocery store and had just pinned the ad for a housekeeper-slash-cook to the Help Wanted board. Both his brothers were with him that day and all three of them had noticed her.