“Riley Giddens, specifically, correct?” he continues. I nod and he smiles. “I’ll make a deal with you, Gillian. A deal that I suggest you take, unless you’d like to spend the next several years in a federal prison.”

I take a deep breath, trying to keep myself from falling to the floor. “What kind of a deal?”

His smile widens and a tear escapes my eye.


Chapter 3


* * *

I finish off my joint and smash it out in the ashtray next to me. I lean back in my favorite chair, sipping on my beer. The need to relax is overwhelming and I’m trying my best to do it. I’m fucking exhausted from lack of sleep and it’s catching up to me. But still my brain will not allow my body to fucking relax.

After my pizza gets here, I’ll shower and head to Souls. We are needed around the table tonight and considering things have been quiet, it worries me.

I’ve been a member of this club for over twenty years. I know that when things are going a little too good, shit is about to go down. It’s the life we all signed up for though and I wouldn’t have it any other way. No matter what the problem is, we will figure it out as a club.

The doorbell rings and I jump up. I’m fucking starving. I grab my wallet and swing the door open. My breath is literally stolen from my lungs and my bleeding heart stops. “Gillian?”

“I’m in trouble,” she says.

I look behind her, seeing nothing and grab her arm, pulling her inside. I want to kiss her, to reacquaint myself with her taste, the feel of her body, the sounds she makes. But when she begins to cry I push all that aside and pull her into my arms.

“Baby girl, what happened?” I whisper, kissing the top of her head.

She pulls out of my hold, shaking her head. “No, don’t,” she cries. I unwillingly step back and nod. “I had a federal agent knock on my door about an hour ago. He has evidence that I hacked federal sites. Something I did to help you and your fucking club! I will not go down for this, Riley. I’ve been punished enough for your sins.”

Fuck! I scrub my face and sigh, looking at her angry eyes. “What does he want?”

“Your cooperation.”

I nod as I walk over to grab a cigarette. Dirty ass mother fucker, using her to get to me. I light my cigarette and offer her one. She takes it and I light it for her. “Does anyone else know?”

“How the fuck would I know? He didn’t

mention anyone but you,” she says, blowing smoke in my direction.

“He follow you here?” I ask, rubbing the back on my neck.

She puts her head down for a brief moment before meeting my gaze again. “Yeah.”

I nod, shoving my phone and cigarettes into my pocket. This is fucking bad. If he’s got evidence on Gillian, I can only imagine what he’s got on me or the club.

“Riley,” she says, gaining my full attention.

I see the fear shining in her emerald eyes. Her hand is shaking as she takes a drag of her cigarette and the tear stains are clear on her cheeks.

“He wants me, baby girl, not you. I’ll probably be arrested and it’s fine I’ll do the time. I’ll keep you safe, I fucking promise. Tell me where he wants me to meet him and I’ll go now.”

“How do you know he wants to meet you somewhere?” she questions.

I force a grin as I put out my smoke. “Not my first time.”

“The abandoned warehouses. He said that he’ll follow you there, so you don’t try to pull any shit,” she says.

I step closer to her and fight the urge to pull her into my arms. “I’ve got this baby girl. You have nothing to worry about. I promise you, this time I will protect you.”