I push him as I let go of his shirt and step back. “Sign the documents keeping Gillian safe or I’m fucking walking. I held up my end of the deal, be man enough to hold up yours.”

He nods and walks over to pull them out of his briefcase. He allows me to read them again and he signs them in front of me. A relief I’ve never felt before washes over me. Gillian is protected no matter what the outcome is.

“I need you to go to California and pick up a shipment of heroin.”

“Drugs? No, fuck no,” I say, shaking my head. “I don’t mess with that shit.”

“Here’s the location,” he says, handing me a scrap of paper.

I glance at it and my stomach sinks. It’s close to where Ivy was living and I know that place. It’s beautiful, peaceful, and full of some of the most notorious drug dealers. This isn’t just some small drug deal, this is a cartel.

“Is this an expected visit?” I ask, glancing up at him.

“You’ll fly out in the morning. There will be a rental truck waiting at that address. You’ll get in it and drive it back here.”

“So, I’m a fucking runner,” I say, shoving my hands through my hair.

“I’ll meet you here tomorrow night.”

That’s all this asshole says before getting in his car and leaving.

Fuck. I’m gonna to get killed.

Chapter 5


* * *

The flight is fast but my knee won’t stop bouncing. I need a cigarette which is making this flight seem to take days.

I didn’t pack a bag because there’s no point. I have no intentions on stopping anywhere. I’m already in deep enough shit. I hope this is all this fucking agent wants from me because if the club ever knew I was involved in something like this, I’d be fucked. That’s what’s got me nervous. Not the fact that this could be a setup and I’m going to get killed. Not that I could be pulled over on the way back home and arrested. It’s the idea that the club finds out and kills me. I’d deserve to die, but damn I don’t want to be taken out by my own club.

If this was anyone else, I’d be at the table voting to fucking kill them. But this isn’t about them. This is about keeping Gillian safe. I didn’t sleep at all last night thinking of the short amount of time we spent together. It was like opening a healing wound and now the blood won’t stop pouring out.

I’ve never given myself to someone before. I wasn’t like everyone else in the club. They all wanted to find an old lady. I never wanted it. I had no intentions of ever sett

ling down. My life has been my own for forty-two years and I liked it that way.

One look from that hellcat from the bar and it all changed. The longer we were together, the more I let her in. I let her in completely. I trusted her, respected her, loved her. I still do. Only now it just proves to me why I never let anyone get close to me. She left me anyway.

We’re both in pain, that’s clear, but she’s done with me.

And I get it.

I look out the window and grin when we land. I’m out of my seat before anyone else as they all grab their carry-on luggage.

Once off the plane, I take long strides to get outside. When the doors come in view, I grab a cigarette and place it between my lips.

“You can’t smoke in here.”

I stop and turn toward the voice. It’s a younger guy with an attitude that needs to be adjusted. “No shit. Do you see me fucking lighting it?”

I crack my knuckles and he turns and starts rushing away from me. That’s right asshole.

I step outside and as soon as the sunlight hits my face, I light my smoke. I take a drag and my nerves relax. I look around and see an Uber waiting. I finish my cigarette and smash it with my foot before heading toward him.

“Hey man, you waiting on someone?” I ask.