Her small hands grab onto my shirt as she presses closer to my back. Feeling her pressed against me with her arms around me has my dick hard and even more pissed. I’m not taking advantage of some drunk girl, no matter how much you beg.

It’s a short drive to my house, but I make sure to drive past Souls on the way home. Most of the guys are still there and if I didn’t have this sexy drunk woman with me, I’d stop. I’m not bringing her around more drunk horny men. Fuck that.

When I get to my house, I pull in the driveway and park. I climb off, careful not to let her fall. She grabs my extended hand so I can help keep her steady on her feet.

“This is your house?”

“Yep,” I say.

“It’s nicer than I thought it’d be,” she says, holding tightly to my arm for support.

It kinda pisses me off she imagined I lived in some shit hole. I’ve busted my ass to get this house to what it is now. It’s dark so she can’t see, but the gray paint on the house makes the black shutters stand out. I have a palm tree that I bought when I got the house and it now stands taller than the house. I can’t be bothered with grass, but I have the best hardscape in the damn neighborhood. Small rocks cover the yard with bigger rocks and boulders throughout.

We take the flagstone walkway up to the door and I open it, flipping on the lights. If she was impressed with the outside in the dark, the inside should really shock her. It’s warm and inviting with dark hardwood floors and pale green walls. The living room is the first room you walk into and the dark brown couches against the tan throw rug make it comfortable. The sixty-five inch plasma tv hanging on the wall is my favorite part.

She looks around, but falls onto the couch. Shit, she’s gonna puke tonight and has no idea where the bathroom is. I go into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. She won’t notice the dark walnut cabinets or white and tan granite tonight, but maybe in the morning. The kitchen is in the back of the house, so I pass through the dining room which I don’t use for eating. I have a pool table in there, because who the fuck eats in the dining room. Most people eat on the couch, they just don’t admit it. I wasn’t wasting space with a useless table. We’ve had some good times around that pool table.

As I walk back into the living room, I grin when I see the sexy hellcat that was the center of attention at the bar, passed out on the couch. She looks so peaceful. Her hands are under her cheek. She has a small permanent smile on her plump lips, and her big tits are almost spilling out of her tank top. Maybe that doesn’t make her look peaceful, but it makes me want to keep looking.

I shake my head and go into the bathroom to grab the garbage can. I don’t know anything about this girl, hell, I don’t even know her name, so I have no idea if she can hold down all the alcohol she drank. I grab a blanket out of the closet and go back to the living room. I place the garbage can on the floor by her head and cover her with the blanket. I light a cigarette and sit down in my favorite recliner. Normally I would turn the TV on, but tonight I just leave the light of the lamp shining on the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

The sun is shining and I decide it’s time to make a pot of coffee. I drag my tired ass into the kitchen and make the coffee extra strong. It’s needed from the lack of sleep I got, sitting up like a fucking stalker, watching a chick that is a complete stranger sleep. Every time she moaned, I jumped up thinking she was going to puke, but she never did. I studied her every curve, fantasized about what it would be like to have those full lips on my cock, or my dick squeezed by another set of lips. At one point I took a shower just to jerk off. It would’ve been hot to do it while looking at her, but I figured if she woke up to a strange man jerking off while staring at her, she might cut it off.

After I fix my coffee, I go back into the living room. We all need to be at Souls in a few hours, so sleeping beauty here is going to need to get up sooner rather than later. When she does, I have no idea how she’s going to react waking up in a strange house with a strange man, but who the fuck knows, maybe this is her thing.

I turn the TV on with no sound and flip through the channels. When I come across the news, I leave it on even though I can’t hear it and light a cigarette.

“Fuck.” I slowly turn my head and my eyes collide with hers. “What the fuck is going on?”

I crush out my smoke and grin. “You needed a place to sleep off the fucking unbelievable amount of alcohol you consumed last night. I wanted to take you home, but you couldn’t remember where you lived.”

She tucks her long black hair behind her ears as she slowly sits up. “Did we fuck?”

“I’m into kinky shit, but I like the chick to be conscious. You were not conscious, so no we didn’t fuck,” I say, running my hands through my hair. “You wanna tell me your name?”

She lightly laughs but stops quickly, her eyes squeeze closed as she rubs her forehead. “Jesus, I didn’t even tell you my name? I don’t usually get that trashed, but I had a shit day. I’m Gillian,” she says, keeping her eyes closed.

I get up without saying anything and grab three ibuprofen out of the bathroom. Her eyes are open when I return and I smile. “Here take these.” I grab the water bottle I left her and open it.

“Thanks,” she says, graciously taking it all from me.

“I’m Riley,” I say, lighting another cigarette and taking a sip of coffee. “You want some coffee?”

“No, the water is fine, thank you,” she says, looking around. “You have a really nice house.”

I wink as I take a drag of my smoke. “Thanks, hellcat.”

She smiles as she looks me up and down. “Hellcat, huh?”

I chuckle as I smash out my smoke. “Don’t be coy, sweetheart, you know damn well how sexy you are. That’s why you wore that tank top with no bra and those tight jeans that hug your ass. It’s why you left your hair down and wore that dark makeup making your eyes pop. You went out with the intention of ending up in someone’s bed.” I raise an eyebrow as I finish off my coffee.

She laughs, just like last night. She tosses her head back and that sweet sound fills my ears. “Well fuck, you just put it all out there, don’t you?” she asks.

“I’m a straight shooter,” I reply.

“It’s a nice change,” she says, sipping her water. She doesn’t take her bright green eyes off of me and my dick happily takes notice. She stands up, keeping her eyes locked on me and pulls her shirt over her head. My eyes widen in shock at her brazen move. She takes a step closer to me as she unbuttons her jeans. She pushes them down her legs, kicking them aside. She’s now standing in front of me in nothing but a black thong.

My dick fucking hurts, pressing against my zipper. I drag my eyes up and down her unbelievably sexy body. Her hard pink nipples on her perfect tits are begging for attention. Her small waist is craving for strong hands to grab a hold of it. Her panty-covered pussy is a goddamn tease, while her long legs are yearning to be tossed in the air. Fuck, this girl is even more than I imagined.