“Neither do I,” he says.

I growl and get in his face. “Say what you need to say. Stop being a pussy and going around it. What do The Vegas Kings have to do with anything? They’re long gone.”

He pushes into my face, showing the first signs of anger ever. “They worked for me! When Zane Maddens got involved, he fucked that all up for me. I need Gillian to get me access to their old files and I need you to kill Zane,” he shouts.

I step back in complete shock. This dirty son of a bitch. He was involved with Kingsley and his drug deals. He must’ve been one of their major suppliers. He came at Gillian to get to me. He wanted me because I’m his tie to the Shattered Souls, to Zane.

“Fuck you! I would never turn on my club and I sure as fuck would never kill a member, not to mention my friend. I’m done. We’re fucking done. Gillian is not going to access shit for you and I’m not getting my club involved. You’ve got nothing. You’re grasping at straws to get your way in. I’ll admit you had me convinced you were some arrogant piece of shit needing an ego boost and you are, but your ego boost has nothing to do with being an agent. It has to do with wanting revenge. You’re on your own,” I say, crossing my arms.

“But that’s the thing, Mr. Giddens, I’m not on my own. Not anymore.” He smiles and my stomach sinks. “You killed an innocent man, you smuggled drugs over state lines, and you delivered blood money to a man who will happily kill Gillian with one phone call. I won’t go down, but you will. You’ll spend the rest of your life in prison and I’ll make damn sure of it. Your club needs to be taught a lesson and I will make sure that happens. So, the decision is yours, Mr. Giddens. One member of your club dies or they all do,” he hisses.

His eyes are wide and frantic. He’s shaking with anger as he closes his eyes. I fucked up. This is so much bigger than I ever imagined it was. No one is safe. I can’t keep Gillian safe, I can’t keep the club safe, and I sure as fuck can’t keep myself safe. He’s got me cornered and he knows it. No matter what decision I make, I end up dead. I’ll be killed in prison by his order or my club will kill me for bringing this on. A fucking federal agent. I fucked up.

“I need time,” I say.

“You have until tomorrow morning. If you aren’t here at eight, you will be arrested, Gillian will be killed, and your entire club will be destroyed. Don’t fuck with me, Riley,” he growls.

I nod as I climb onto my bike. I race to Gillian’s to make sure she’s still safe and when she opens the door, I pull her to me. For the first time since I was a kid, I feel tears run down my face. I tried protecting everyone and in the end, I’ve destroyed them all.

“Oh god, Riley,” she whispers, rubbing my back.

Her comfort has more tears fall. I feel weak and defeated. I’ve messed up a lot in my life. I’ve made decisions that I’ve regretted. I’ve killed, beaten, and tortured countless men. But I’ve never fucked up so badly that everything I love will be taken and destroyed.

“What happened?” she asks, holding me tighter.

I pull away from her and roughly wipe my eyes, scrubbing my face. “I fucked up, baby girl.”

“How? Talk to me,” she says.

Her concerned voice has my already emotionally wrecked body, hurting more. How could I have done this?

I pace her living room, squeezing the back of my neck. “This is so much bigger than I ever thought. This agent is after the club. He wants me to kill Zane. If I don’t,” I stop talking and lift my eyes to meet hers. I see the fear in them as they bounce between mine, “If I don’t, I’ll be arrested, the club will be destroyed, and you’ll be killed,” I whisper.

She gasps, covering her mouth. Her eyes widen and tears swim in her eyes as she shakes her head. “What?”

We both stare at each other as tears run down both our faces. I slowly step toward her, keeping our eyes locked. She grabs my cut and pulls me to her, burying her face in my chest. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tightly against me. We both cry as we seek comfort.

I keep my eyes closed as I kiss the top of her head. “I’m sorry, Gillian. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry you got pulled into this. I’m sorry my club is responsible for Rachel’s death. I’m fucking sorry I haven’t been fighting to prove how much I love you.”

She lets out a sob as her fingers tighten on my cut. “I’m scared, Riley.”

I hold my hand on the back of her head, resting my head on hers. “I’m scared too, baby girl.”

We stay like this, holding on to each other for support, until the sun starts to set. I pull away and lead her over to the couch. We both sit down and I rest my elbows on my knees, dropping my face into my hands.

“What do we do now?” she asks.

“Now we have no choice.” I drop my hands to hang between my knees and turn my head toward her. “We have to tell the club.”

She jumps up, shaking her head. “No! You said they would kill you.”

I tilt my head and force a grin. “Maybe, but they’ll make sure you aren’t killed. I can’t do this alone anymore. I never should have tried. They’re gonna be pissed, but it’s the only option we have left.”

She sits down next to me and rests her head on my shoulder. “Remember when we first got together and you were worried that Kace would find out and be pissed at you?” I nod my head. “And you were concerned that our age difference would make things more complicated.” I grin as I nod my head. “And how you were so nervous when you finally admitted that you love me?” I kiss the top of her head as I nod. “You told me that a real man knows when to fight and when to concede.” She reaches for my hand and links her fingers with mine. “It’s okay to concede, Riley.”

I pull her hand to my lips and press a soft kiss on it. She may feel that way now, but she has no idea what waits ahead. Unfortunately, she will very soon.

“I need you to pack a bag, baby girl,” I say.