Before either of them can say anything, Nora sits down at the table. She’s like Harper, nice but scary. The two of them definitely are the president and vice president of the women of this club.

“Morning,” I say.

“Morning, sweetie,” she replies.

She looks at Zane and smiles. “Enzo wants a word.”

He kisses Harper’s cheek and walks away. That’s all it takes. There are no questions from any of them, ever. They trust and depend on each other completely. The club is like a well-oiled machine and I’ve caused Riley to be the wrench stopping it all.

“How’s everything going, Gillian? I know it can be rough being here,” Nora asks.

I tuck my hair behind my ear and grin. “It takes some getting used to.”

She nods and Harper smiles. “Unfortunately, this won’t be the last time it happens, so try to make the best of it,” Nora says.

“I am.” I finish off my coffee, wrapping my hands around the mug.

“You feel like you’re gonna stick around this time?” My eyes widen and I feel like someone punched me in the stomach. “I mean he was a shell of himself when you walked away last time. He won’t survive if you leave again.”

My eyes bounce between both of them and I feel like this was some kind of well orchestrated plan. I can feel my neck heating up with embarrassment as I swallow, hoping to wet my now extremely dry throat.

“I had a lot to work through, but I’m not going anywhere,” I say.

“You worked through it all?” Nora asks.

I nod, saying, “Yes, we both did.”

She rests her hand on my arm and smiles. “Good, keep it that way.”

She gets up and moves on to sit by Ivy and the baby. I glance over at Harper and she lifts her shoulders.

“She’s like a mother hen. Her purpose is to make sure we are all doing what we need to do,” she says.

“What exactly is that?”

“Keeping our men happy.”

Sounds like such a simple request, but I’m finding it’s not that easy. The longer we are here the moodier Riley is. The only time he seems to relax a little is after sex. Besides that, he is wound tight. I don’t know what happens when they all meet behind closed doors, but I do know Agent McKay is texting Riley constantly. He’s pressing him to have me hack the sites for him. I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep him happy when I’m the reason he’s feeling such pressure.

“It sometimes seems impossible,” I admit.

“Yeah, it does, but you need to push through those moments. You need to let him know you believe in him, that you trust him. They have a lot of pressure when things are fucked up like this, they don’t need to wonder where they stand with us,” Harper says.

I light a smoke and rest my elbows on the table. “I’m trying.”

“Keep trying.” I peek up at her and she sighs. “Look, the club is pissed at him for getting mixed up in this mess. Especially Brooks. He’s got a lot of shit on his plate, a lot of pressure. He needs you more than ever.”

I feel the tears sting the back of my eyes as I look at her. “I didn’t realize they were still pissed,” I whisper.

“He’s not gonna tell you this stuff. He wants to protect you from it all. You need to push him to talk to you about the things he can,” she says.

I finish my cigarette and run my hands through my hair. The guilt I felt is worse now and I’m annoyed she keeps telling me what to do with my relationship. I understand she’s known him a long time, but damn, he’s my man. I’m young, but so is she. She’s not t

hat much older. I’m capable of keeping Riley happy.

“I’ll be right back,” Harper says, going to get more coffee.

I sigh as I look around. Everyone is with their significant other and I’m alone. Why the hell is Riley the only one that is ever out? I glance toward the door and see him pull into the parking lot. I get up and walk to the door, stepping outside to meet him.