I toss the phone on the table and look around at them all. “Time’s up.”

Enzo grabs the phone, squeezing it tightly in his hand. “Okay, you’re gonna need to do it.”

“Fuck no. I’m not putting Gillian in danger,” I yell.

“There’s no other option. If you do this, it gives us more time,” Brooks says.

I jump up and try to get around the table to Brooks. Porter grabs me, holding me back while I fight against him. “More time for what? You aren’t doing shit. You don’t need more time, you need a fucking plan,” I shout, gritting my teeth.

“Calm the fuck down, Riley. You’re making shit worse,” Porter whispers.

I snap my head back to look at him and laugh. “I’m making shit worse? Is that a joke? I’m the only one trying to handle this situation. I’m the one meeting with agent prick every day. I’m the one dealing with the texts and phone calls. I’m the one taking the blame and the fall. How am I making shit worse?”

Everyone is quiet as they look around. They know I’m right, but they don’t know what to do. I can’t handle it anymore. Pressure from the agent, pressure from the club. Something needs to be done and fast.

I push Porter off me and head for the door. “Let me know if anyone does more than pick their asses.”

I walk out, letting the door slam behind me. My eyes spot Gillian before anything else and when she sees me she rushes to me. I grab her and hold her, breathing in her sweet scent.

“What happened?” she asks.

“I’m on my own, baby girl.” I pull away and reach for her hand. “Come on.”

I lead her to my room and once inside I lose it. I punch the wall, knock everything off the dresser, flip over the chair. I scream as I pull at my hair.

“Riley?” Gillian whispers.

I glance over at her and her eyes are filled with tears. Great, one more thing I can add to the list of how fucked up this whole thing is.

I blow out a breath and scrub my face. “There’s no plan. Brooks is shooting down everything that’s suggested. He’s making me suffer. They want us both to meet with agent cocksucker tonight. They want you to hack the sites.” Her eyes widen and I step closer to her. “That’s not gonna happen. I’ve got other plans.”

She grabs onto my cut and searches my eyes. Her emerald eyes are panicked as she sighs. “You’re going to kill him?”

I let my eyes soften as I press a soft kiss to her plump lips. “I am.”

“They don’t want you to?”

“No, they do not. Which is why I need your help, baby girl. Do you trust me?”

She wraps her arms around me and I relish in her closeness. It brings a calm to me that I never felt before. I know for sure at this moment that I’m doing the right thing. That saving her is worth destroying me.

“I trust you, Riley, but is this the only option? There’s no other choice.” she whispers.

I release her and begin to pace the room again. “There’s no other option. If we help him, you are sure to go to prison. If I help him I’ll end up in prison and more than likely I'll be killed there.” I hear her sharp breath and I glance at her. I see the question and fear on her face.

I shrug my shoulders and grin. “I’ve done a lot of shit in my life. There are people in prison who would love to end my life. With no one from the club in there to have my back, I’d be a wide-open target.”

“Fucking hell, Riley,” she groans.

“Don’t worry, I told you before I’ll die before I let that happen,” I say, chuckling.

She closes her eyes, dropping her head back. She’s thinking. I’ve never known anyone well enough to know their habits or their reactions, but I know her. I know her sounds, her touch, her wants and needs. I allowed myself to let her in and I’ll never fucking regret that. I love her more than I love myself and I really love myself.

“What if we just leave? Go to another state and start over?” she says, snapping her head toward me.

I run my hand down her cheek and smile. “I don’t run from my mistakes, baby girl. I face them head on. Running will only put us in more danger, believe me.” I press a kiss to her forehead. “I don’t normally think things through. I react before I think. Killing this piece of shit is something I’ve thought through completely. There is no other option. The question is, do I have your help?”

She rests her forehead on my chest as I rub her back. “I’m in, Riley. I’m all in.”