When he dropped me off at his place, I couldn’t even sit down. I was so scared he was going to get killed or arrested. I didn’t know how long I’d be waiting

or what would happen. When he knocked on the door, the relief I felt was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It went right along with how he fucked me. It was all a release we both needed.

I didn’t ask for or want details. I have a vivid enough imagination. Just knowing that we are no longer in danger is all I need. Riley is safe, I’m safe, and the club is safe. He did exactly what he promised.

We get out of the van and I kiss him quickly while his hands are full. He’s got Agent McKay’s briefcase and a decent sized brown box in his arms.

“What can I say and what can’t I say?” I ask, walking toward the door.

“No secrets, baby girl. You tell them the truth. I’m telling the club everything, so it’s fine,” he says, stopping outside the door. He looks at me and grins. “We’re free.”

I open the door for him and we both step inside. Hearing him say we’re free is like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I feel lighter, more alive. I feel instantly happier and more relaxed. I fucking love that his man put his life on the line for his club and especially for me.

“What the hell is that?” Zane asks.

All the guys get up and I smile up at Riley. “I’ll give you space.”

He shakes his head and drops everything on the floor, wrapping his arm around me. “No, you won’t. I want you by my side.”

The strip club is closed, so it’s just the club members and their significant others. When the guys all reach us, it’s confusion. Brooks looks between us. Zane and Kace look at the stuff on the floor. Enzo keeps his eyes on Riley. While Porter and Finn look around at everyone.

“What the hell is this?” Brooks asks, angrily.

I try to move away, but Riley won’t allow it. He looks down at me and grins before looking at them. “This is everything that belongs to agent dirty prick. I killed him. We’re all free now,” he says, proudly.

The eruption of shouting makes me cower. This is what I expected, but Riley was sure they’d be good with it. In fact, while they all yell, he’s smiling. He doesn’t even flinch. He believes in himself more than anyone else. He’s fucking confident, with a bit of cocky. Alright a shit load of cocky, but damn it’s hot.

“You fucking lied to us,” Brooks roars.

“Everyone fucking relax. We can go through everything piece by piece. You’ll see he was working completely alone. There are no phone calls or texts on his phone except to me. His briefcase literally has the documents I demanded. He’s got nothing. I didn’t jump the gun on this one. I thought every fucking piece through before I did it. He was a threat to all of us and now he’s nothing. We’re all safe, so instead of fucking yelling at me, how about we fucking get drunk,” Riley says.

Porter begins to laugh, followed by Kace. Finn and Zane join in and suddenly all of them, including Riley, are laughing. I’m not sure what’s so funny, but it’s a hell of a lot better than the anger that was just flying around.

“You stupid son of a bitch,” Zane says, shaking his head.

“I can’t even be mad,” Porter says, laughing. “I should’ve known you would do what you wanted.”

Riley shrugs and places a kiss on my head. “Love makes you do crazy shit.”

They all agree and continue to laugh. There’s a sudden lightness in the air and it feels amazing.

“Shots!” Finn yells, walking toward the bar.

Zane nods his head as he slaps Riley’s back. “You never fucking listen, but for the first time ever, I’m fucking thankful.”

Everyone starts to walk away and Brooks stands in front of us. He looks between us, with his chin up and chest out. He’s very good looking, well actually they all are, but the power that rolls off Brooks is a little more than the rest. I see the attraction.

Brooks sighs, pulling my attention back to his face. “Listen, I’ve given you a lot of shit over all this. It wasn’t because I wanted to make shit worse for you, it was because, goddamn it, you’re one of the best ones, Riley. You’ve been by my side long before I was president. You supported me with all the bullshit that has happened over the years. You fought for me, never against me.” He scrubs his face and lifts his shoulders. “I was scared for the first time in as long as I can remember that I was gonna lose you. We’ve lost enough, I didn’t wanna lose one of my best fucking friends again.”

They do that guy hug thing and I smile. Riley knew this would happen. He knew they would all be pissed at first but once he explained it they’d be happy. It’s actually amazing how well he knows the people in his life. He says he doesn’t let anyone in, but everyone here is in. He thinks I’m the only one he’s let in. He never stopped to realize he’s let so many people past his walls, just not in a romantic way.

“Gillian,” Brooks says, glancing at me. “I’m sorry you got pulled into this shit, but I’m fucking glad you’re giving this asshole another chance. He deserves it.”

I smile as I nod. “He definitely does.”

“Where the fuck is my shot?” Riley yells.

We laugh and walk over to where everyone is gathered. We are all handed a shot and I glance around. I’m starting to really like these people. I toss back my shot and make a promise to myself to let them in just like Riley has.