She smiles and kisses my lips. “Neither will I,” she whispers.

I let her slide down my body and grab the soap to wash her. My hands roam her body and I’m hard again, but I focus on getting her clean. She grabs the soap and does the same to me and I smile as she runs her hand over my dick.

I lift my shoulders as she shakes her head. “This is what you do to me,” I say, unapologetically.

She grins as we continue to wash each other. “Believe me I know the feeling.”

I turn her toward the water so she can rinse off. “So, to be safe, we are gonna stay here just another day or two. I need to get some clean clothes; do you need anything?”

She spins around and lets me get under the spray. “No, if it’s just a day or two I’ll be fine.”

We finish in the shower and once we’re dressed, I grab her hand. She looks up at me with questioning eyes.

“Move in with me. When we leave here, just come back to my place,” I rush out.

I didn’t expect to ask her right now, but I’m done waiting. I know what I want and I want her, every single day. I want to wake up to her, fall asleep to her, eat with her, fuck her anytime I want. She’s mine, I want every part of her.

“What about my place and my things?” she asks.

“Sell your place and we’ll get all your things over to mine. It will become ours, baby girl. I want you there, every day,” I say, cupping her face.

Her emerald eyes bounce between mine as she bites her plump bottom lip. A smile slowly takes over and she jumps into my arms. “Yes! I’ll move in with you.”

I spin her around and press my lips to hers. I rest my forehead on hers and place a kiss on her nose. “I promise you, Gillian Holt, I will make you so fucking happy.”

She clears her throat and I pull back. She has something to say. “You said when we were talking to Ivy and Harper that you don’t believe in marriage or kids.”

I nod, letting her slide down my body. “I don’t believe in marriage. I don’t see the point of a piece of paper tying two people together forever. And I don’t want to be responsible for a child, I’m barely an adult myself most of the time. I’ve seen how life changing a kid is, it’s not something I want. I’m good being the fun, cool uncle.”

She steps away, sitting on the bed. “I always dreamed of having a wedding and children,” she says, sighing.

I kneel down in front of her and grab onto her thighs. “Baby girl, I don’t want to share you, even with a kid we make. It’s selfish, but it’s how I feel. I’m finally happy. I don’t want the next eighteen years or more of my life devoted to sharing you. I’m forty-two, do you have any idea how old I’d be when I could finally have a life again? And a wedding is just a party, I’ll give you a fucking huge party to celebrate my love for you, just skip out on the marriage part.”

She lifts her eyes to me and I see the sadness I promised would never be there again. “I’m only twenty-two, Riley. I have different dreams when it comes to family and growing older.”

Maybe I could get on board with the marriage if it would make her happy, but the kid is a hard no for me. But instead of saying that, I kiss her lips, biting down on her bottom lip.

I look into her eyes and smile. “You’re mine, baby girl. I promise to make you happy and give you whatever you need.”

She tosses her arms around my neck and kisses my neck. “I love you,” she says.

“I love you, too.”

We spend a few hours with everyone, but I finally tell Gillian I need to go grab my stuff. I kiss her and tell her I’ll be back. I hate leaving her, even for a half hour. Finn promised to take care of her and I almost knocked him out when he wiggled his eyebrows. That asshole is acting more like me.

I pull into the driveway and grin. I can’t wait to be back here, with Gillian. I’m sure she’ll want to change some things and if anyone said that to me before her, I would’ve laughed. I fucking love this house just the way it is. I poured myself into it, but I’d let her. I wasn’t lying when I said I’ll do anything to make her happy.

I get inside and grab some clothes, shoving them into my bag. It’s pointless to bring anything else. I sling it over my shoulder and do a quick check to make sure everything is locked. When I’m satisfied, I open the front door and almost fall over.

“Mr. Giddens.”

Holy, fuck. He’s alive.

“What the fuck?” I yell, stepping back.

He smiles and steps in the house with me. I reach for my gun, but he pulls his faster. “You fucked up, Riley. If you would’ve done shit the way I asked, things would be so much different. You’ve given me no other choice,” he says.

“You were dead!” I yell, confused and suddenly worried.