“You gonna make that happen?” I ask, keeping my eyes locked on his.

He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. The serious guy with hard eyes that was present with my lawyer morphs into an arrogant guy with humor in his eyes. What the hell is going on?

“I’ll get you out of here, Riley. I’ll make sure all the evidence Agent McKay provided gets lost and all you need to do is finish cooperating with him,” he says, resting his arms behind his head.


“Listen, we don’t have a lot of time before your lawyer gets back. If you want out of here, I can make it happen. I just need you to keep helping Agent McKay. I want in on what he’s got going. You’d be surprised at the shit pay we get to do this job. I’ve already spoken to him. He’s willing to continue working with you. So it’s up to you Riley. You want out of here, you need to keep helping,” he says.

My mouth hangs open as I stare at him. He’s dirty too. Are they all fucking dirty? I drag my hands down my face as I try to comprehend what he just said to me. If I deny him, McKay suddenly gets a partner and they will take down the club and Gillian. At least if I’m out of here I warn the club and together we can figure out what the hell to do.

Against my better judgement I lean my elbows on the table, steepling my fingers against my lips. “How long until I’m out of here?”

“You agree to this and I’ll get you out in a few hours,” he says, smiling.

I grab the pack of cigarettes off the table and stand up. “Deal. Now get me out of here.”

He nods as the door opens. I walk out and the guard escorts me back to my cell. If he’s not a lying sack of shit, I’ll be out of here in a few hours. I can handle that. I light a cigarette and lean my back on the cold concrete wall.

“Hey, got a smoke?”

I turn my head and my fucking body goes cold. There are six guys blocking the door of my cell. Six guys that are members of various MC’s that we’ve had trouble with. Needing some advantage I get to my feet, tossing the cigarette pack to them. I know that’s not what they want, they want my blood, but I’m willing to play.

“Take ‘em,” I say.

He laughs, stepping closer to me. “How’s it feel being here alone?”

“Great, it’s like a vacation,” I say, smirking.

I’m about to get my ass beat, but I will never show them any fucking fear. If I die, I want to die with my pride.

“Heard you have some young pussy waiting for you on the outside,” another one says.

My blood boils as I shake with rage. I don’t say shit, just raise an eyebrow.

“She must have some serious daddy issues, because from what I hear she’s real fucking young,” another says.

They all laugh as my fists clench at my side. I will not make the first move; it will only cause them to come at me harder. It’s getting more difficult though because talking about Gillian makes me want to rip all of their beating hearts out of their fucking chests.

The first guy gets toe to toe with me and grins. “You pass her around? Let everyone get to feel that young, tight pussy?” he asks, licking his lips.

“I didn’t realize you even liked pussy anymore. I figured being here you switched it up,” I say, bracing for the first punch.

It lands across my cheek and I swing back. One on one I’m standing my ground, going punch for punch, but it doesn’t last long. Two, three, four, five more join in. I’m out numbered and when I get knocked to the ground, I know it’s over. The kicks and punches are endless. I feel the blood running down my skin, I hear my ribs cracking, I see almost nothing out of my swelling eye. They are relentless and I’m defenseless.

The pain is causing me to lose consciousness, but I fight to hold on. They laugh with each blow as I groan in pain. The darkness is starting to take over, but I’m aware enough to feel someone grab my head. This is it, it’s over. He lifts and cracks my head against the concrete.


“He needs hospital attention!”

“We’re waiting on his paperwork.”

“The paperwork can wait, get him on a fucking ambulance now!”

I crack my eyes open and see my lawyer in the face of a doctor. A doctor. Oh fuck! The pain shoots through every part of my body, but I’m alive.

“Fuck,” I groan.