“I slipped getting out of the bath and broke my phone. I’m sorry I didn’t think to call you to let you know.”

He pulls back slightly, lighting my chin with his thumb. “I was never so scared,” he whispers, wiping my tears with his thumb.

“How’d you get here so fast?” I question, tightening my hold on him. I suddenly don’t want him to be any further away than he is right now.

“My bike,” he says, lifting one side of his mouth. “I’ll be getting a few tickets in the mail.”

I can’t help the laugh that escapes me, and he follows. He pulls me close again, resting his chin on the top of my head.

Mia clears her throat and I quickly realize we aren’t alone and slip out of his hold. I immediately regret the decision, missing his warmth. “Sorry,” I say glancing at Mia. “Mia this is Kace, Kace this is my friend Mia.”

Kace lifts his chin toward her. “Hey, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” she says, pushing her chest out a little more. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Kace looks at me and grins. “Oh yeah.”

I feel the blush take over my face as his gaze turns darker. “I might have mentioned you.”

Mia laughs, but it’s flirty causing me to snap my head toward her. She’s got a huge smile on her face as she steps into the living room to join us. “She didn’t mention everything,” she says, looking him up and down.

He chuckles and a jealousy I’ve never felt wraps around me. This is a side of Mia I’ve never seen, and I don’t like it. Not when it’s focused toward Kace. I step closer to him, getting his attention from her. “I’m surprised Zane let you come alone,” I say, needing to change the subject and try to keep his attention off Mia.

“Oh, he’ll be here.” He brushes his fingers across my cheek and gives me that sexy grin. “I told you, sweetheart, I’ll be getting tickets.”

The warmth I feel from his protectiveness is overwhelming, but in a good way. He was so worried about me that he drove to California to check on me. Who does that?

Chapter 7


The relief I felt when I realized that Ivy was alright, was unreal. When that phone went dead, I thought all the possible worst things. I never drove so fast in my life. The thought of something bad happening to her was more than I could handle. She’s too far away and I need her to come back to Vegas. I just need to figure out how to do that without fighting with her again. I promised myself if I got here and she was alright that I would let her make her own decision without arguing.

“So, more people are coming?” Ivy’s friend Mia asks.

I snap out of my thoughts and glance at her. She’s pretty, but nothing compared to Ivy. My heart doesn’t race when I look at her. My pulse doesn’t pick up and my dick doesn’t press against my zipper. I am glad that Ivy has a friend though. I often wondered if she had friends here.

“Yeah there will be,” Ivy answers for me.

“I texted Z. They’ll be here in a few minutes,” I say.

“Do you mind if I stay or would you like some privacy?”

Ivy steps away from me and hugs Mia quickly. “I’d like you to stay. You can meet everyone.”

“I’d like that,” Mia says. I notice a bit of sadness in her, but it’s not my business. Ivy is.

I pull a burner phone out of my pocket and hand it to Ivy. “Use this until we get you a new phone.”

“You don’t need to do that,” she says.

“Yeah I do,” I say. Now that my heart has stopped racing, I take in her place. It’s nice, small but updated. I take note of the colors and the style as I look around. “This is a great place.”

“Thanks,” she says, dipping her head. I know even without seeing her face that she is blushing. It makes me grin as I walk toward her.

I glance at Mia before lifting Ivy’s chin to have her look at me. I smile as I search her beautiful face. “How can you still blush when I say something? I’ve been inside you,” I whisper for only her to hear.

Her face turns a shade of red I didn’t know it could, but we get interrupted when Harper bangs on the door. “Ivy!” She rushes to the door and opens it. “Fuck, are you trying to get us all killed? What the hell happened?” Harper yells, coming in.