“I’ll go get you so

me water and please try to eat some crackers,” he says, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

After he walks out Harper comes in. “Damn, are you alright?”

I sit up and grab a cracker off the nightstand. “Yeah, tired of being sick but I don’t need to be lying in bed,” I say, biting my lip to contain a smile.

She sits on the edge of the bed and smiles. “He cares about you, more than he’s willing to admit.”

I’m starting to believe that she’s right. His actions are proving a lot to me. I’m still scared of where this will all go, but when he’s around me those thoughts get pushed to the far back of my mind. Harper is my heroine and I trust her completely. I think I’m going to need to have a long talk with her about how to handle it all. However, right now isn’t the time. They need to get back and I’m not going to be the reason Brooks has their asses. See I think I’m starting to get it.

“We’re going to try this, see where it goes,” I say.

Her bright blue eyes seem to smile as she does. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to hear you both admit all this. You’ve both pissed me off a lot,” she says, laughing. “Seriously, you’re good for him and he’s good for you.”

“Yeah hopefully,” I say.

“You’re having a baby together, so I’d be a bit more than hopeful.”

She has a point, but I’m not ready to admit it. “Kace wants me to come back with you guys, but I just can’t until I get everything taken care of here,” I say, changing the subject.

She nods and adjusts her position. “That’s understandable. You know he’d stay if it wasn’t imperative for him to get back, right?”

“Yeah, doesn’t mean I like it,” I say.

She laughs as she stands up. “No, it doesn’t, but the club has some really big shit going on. I know it’s still not something you’re sure of, but now that you’re together, you need to work on it. I didn’t push you before, but I will now,” she says with a wink.

She said a lot there, but the only thing that I’m focused on is that the club has some really big shit going on. It makes my stomach drop and fear wraps around me. “What’s going on?”

She gives me a tight smile before leaning down to hug me. “You’re Kace’s girl now, it’s not my place to tell you, it’s his.”

The door opens and everyone walks in. I’m mortified being in bed and narrow my eyes at Kace. “Get out, I’m fine. I’ll come say goodbye in the living room,” I say, rolling my eyes.

Riley of course jumps into my bed and looks at me. “Damn, this bed is comfortable. Come cuddle with me,” he says, moving closer.

“Touch her and I will fucking rip your heart out of your chest,” Kace growls. He pulls Riley off of the bed and pushes him toward the door. “Go wait in the living room.”

We all laugh but Kace. I walk over to him as everyone leaves my room. I place my hands on his chest and smile up at him. “Your possessiveness is hot.”

He lifts me off the ground and crashes his mouth to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips and kiss him back. His hands settle on my ass and his fingers dig in. I moan in his mouth and he growls in response. He breaks the kiss and searches my eyes.

“Get that new phone and call me tonight. I wrote everyone’s number on a piece of paper in the kitchen. Get your obligations taken care of so you can get back to Vegas, back to me,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

I can see the sadness or regret, I’m not sure which, in his face. This is as hard for him as it is for me. I can’t make it any worse for him, so I smile as my fingers squeeze the back of his neck. “I promise to call you tonight and to get to Vegas as soon as I can. Please be careful driving back and taking care of whatever it is you need to do.”

“I’m always careful, sweetheart, but it’s kinda nice having you care that I am,” he says, letting me slide down his body.

We walk out to the living room, hand in hand, stopping in front of everyone. Kace steps aside to let Harper hug me. She tells me she will call me tomorrow. Zane, Riley, and Finn say goodbye and I tell them all to be careful. As they walk out the door Kace walks to me. He lifts my chin and gives me that sexy grin of his. “If you need anything, you better tell me. Be honest with me because I promise to be honest with you.”

His deep sexy voice and his words squeeze at my heart and I blink back the tears. “I promise, Kace.”

He kisses me one last time but it’s slow and sweet, so unlike anything I’ve experienced from him yet. It’s overwhelming. When he breaks the kiss, he wraps his protective arms around me and sighs. “I’m gonna miss you, Ivy.”

“I’m gonna miss you too.”

“Seriously, how could you have left out how fucking hot they all are,” Mia says for the hundredth time.

I just picked up my new phone, so we’ve been walking around the mall. She showed up at my apartment a few hours after Kace left and has been talking about them since. She said that I was lucky to have such great friends. That she could tell how they all cared for me. It meant more to me than I ever imagined it would. I saw how much they all love Harper and I wanted to be accepted like that and hearing Mia say that makes me feel like I just might be accepted.