We are sitting around the table waiting for the phone to ring. Marco pulled through and found out who Kingsley’s supplier was. Now we are hoping we can convince him to deal with the Raging Devils. I’m having a hard time keeping my focus because I keep checking to see if Ivy texted me. When she called the other night and told me that she got out of her lease and would be heading back to Vegas at the end of the week I couldn’t have been happier. I’ve been tense not being able to watch over her but once she’s here I will feel better.

“What if he won’t deal with the Raging Devils?” Riley asks.

I snap my head to him and narrow my eyes. “Nervous now?”

“Fuck you,” he hisses.

“Both of you shut the fuck up,” Brooks growls. “We can’t worry about that until we need to.”

We should have a backup plan, but I’m not going to say anything. I’m as hopeful as Brooks that it will work, but there should always be a plan B. I know the only reason Damon hasn’t tried to kill me yet is because they are hoping to get this deal. If it falls through, the threat becomes imminent.

I glance at Z and he’s watching the cigarette burn away between his fingers. Brooks has his hands fisted on the table, Enzo keeps running his hand through his beard and all signs point to they think this isn’t going to work. If they truly believed it, we’d be talking, laughing, probably even having a few beers, but we aren’t. We’re sitting in complete silence.

Brooks’ phone rings and we all lean closer to hear. “Hey,” he answers.

He put it on speaker phone, resting it on the table. “Is this Brooks?”


“This is Vincent. I don’t have long, so I’ll get right to it. I got word you have an offer for me, so don’t bullshit me just tell me what it is,” he says.

Brooks looks around and we all nod for him to just do it. “I’m aware you used to do business with Lou Kingsley. I’m also aware that that situation doesn’t exist anymore. I can hook you up with someone who will double what you did with Kingsley.”

“Why should I believe that?” Vincent questions.

He’s not wrong to ask, he doesn’t know shit about us. I have no doubt his defenses are up and he thinks this could be some kind of a set up. That’s what I would think.

“Look, I’m trying to help you out and myself out by keeping the drugs out of my neighborhood. I’m doing this just as much for you as I am for me,” Brooks explains.

I have no idea if that is what this guy wants to hear. It’s a risky move and I hope it pays off, but there is no way to convince someone to believe you that doesn’t know you. Especially when that deal is drugs. The line is silent, and we all look around. Riley keeps nodding his head like the deal is going to happen. Finn hasn’t uncrossed his arms since we walked in. Alex keeps rubbing the back of his neck and Porter hasn’t taken his eyes off the phone. Zane glances at me and I lift my shoulders in a silent answer to his silent question. He wants to know what I think but I honestly don’t know. It could go either way.

“Who is it?” Vincent finally asks.

Brooks looks at Enzo who quietly curses. “It’s Hawk from the Raging Devils MC,” he says.

“I have research to do, I’ll call you back in exactly one hour.”

The line goes dead and Brooks slams his fist on the table. “Fuck!”

“Once they look into the Raging Devils we’re screwed,” Zane growls.

Porter leans forward, shaking his head. “We don’t know that. This crew could be just as bad or not give a shit as long as they are moving product. Let’s wait and see.”

I want to believe that, but who the fuck wants to do business with guys who have a reputation as vile as theirs? It’s why we don’t want them anywhere near us, but maybe Porter is right.

“Let’s go have a quick beer while we wait,” Enzo suggests.

We all go out into the bar and I grab Z’s arm. “What do you think?”

He blows out a breath as he runs his hand through his hair. “I think they’re gonna pass and we’re gonna be up against those crazy motherfuckers.”

I nod as I play with my lip ring, I was finally able to put back in. “I feel the same.”

I start thinking of Ivy coming back and I suddenly wish she’d stay in California until this all blows over. It’s not the fact of protecting her, I know I can do that. I just don’t want her to be put through another war so fast. She’s not like any of the other girls that are usually around. She’s still having nightmares about what happened with the Vegas Kings. The Raging Devils are no comparison to that. She’ll walk away before we even make a go at this. I can start to understand now why Zane felt he was going crazy and Ivy’s not even here.

“I know that look,” Z says, breaking my thoughts.

I grab the beer he offers me and lift my shoulders. “She barely accepts the club as it is. This is going to have her running faster than before.”