I nod at her grabbing the phone. “Hey.”

“Brooks is go

nna need surgery, so Enzo is going to stay here and I’m coming back. Get everyone around the table and I’ll fill them in. I’ll be there in five,” Zane says.

“Fuck, alright,” I say, squeezing the back of my neck. I look at Ivy as I hand Harper back her phone. “We need to be around the table. I’ll be back.”

I give her a quick kiss and get the others, so we are ready when Zane gets back. I shouldn’t be surprised Brooks needs surgery, but I guess a small part of me thought he’d be back tonight. I can’t imagine his anger because mine is almost uncontainable at this point.

“These fucking pricks die tonight,” I say, slamming my fists on the table.

“Fuck yeah. They wanted a war, they fucking got it,” Alex agrees.

The door slams open as Zane walks in. He’s pissed, I can see it rolling off of him. It’s harder on him since Brooks is not only his president but also his uncle. All the shit they just got past and now this. I’m gonna need to keep a clear head because he sure as fuck isn’t going to.

He kicks the chair across the room getting everyone’s attention. “Brooks needs surgery. There is major bone and tissue damage. Enzo is staying with him to make sure no one gets close. This game is over. We torch Club Kingsley; it will draw them out of that dilapidated piece of shit they call a club. Alex and Finn, you’ll head over and burn down their club. The rest of us will wait for them at Club Kingsley and fucking kill them one by one. No fucking around. I want this shit done so we can get to the hospital with good news for Brooks.”

Everyone glances around nodding. There’s no other choice. “Shouldn’t we keep someone here, just in case?” I ask.

Zane turns his angry glare on me. “Who the fuck should we leave behind? We are already down two.”

“Calm the fuck down, Z. I know you’re pissed, we all are, but your head needs to be clear. We stand no chance if you go in like this. We need someone here who can make sure nothing happens while we’re gone. There are women and children here. So, talk to whoever that big mother fucker is out there and give him a goddamn gun,” I hiss.

It’s quiet while Zane and I stare at each other, neither of us willing to break eye contact first. Finn evidently breaks the silence saying, “That big mother fucker is my buddy, Lucas. We grew up together, always had each other's backs. Kinda like you and Zane. He’ll help.”

Zane breaks eye contact, running his hands through his hair. “Go fucking get him.”

“Z, you’re not alone here,” I whisper.

“I know, sorry, brother. We just need to kill these fuckers.”

“We’re gonna,” Riley says.

Alex passes me a joint as he says, “It’s a solid plan. If they don’t burn alive, we’ll shoot them. The element of surprise is on our side.”

He’s right. They expected the ambush today, but the fire at Club Kingsley will be a surprise. This afternoon we weren’t prepared for them, but tonight we will be. Nothing will stand in our way.

We talked to Lucas and I feel confident leaving him in charge. Finn vouches for him and that means something around here. I once again said goodbye to Ivy, who told me she has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I’m glad because she hasn’t seen a doctor here yet and she needs to.

We are now at Club Kingsley and I watch Zane because I know it’s bringing back more bad memories. Burning it down might just be the best idea for more than one reason.

“Alright, we are set. Zane, light this fucker up,” Alex says, coming from around the building.

Zane looks at me and I nod. “Alex and Finn head over to their club house but stay under the radar. As soon as they leave, burn that piece of shit to the ground.”

They leave and I grab Zane’s shoulder. “Brother, let all the fucking bad memories burn with this building.”

He doesn’t say anything, but I know he heard me. He’s more stubborn than I am and that’s saying a lot. “Time to end this shit,” he says, tossing a match.

We watch as the flames start to climb the building. It’s impressive watching the yellow and orange fire licking the building, but when it hits the accelerants, it’s stunning. The explosions causing huge fireballs high in the sky, will have the attention of more than just the Raging Devils.

“Get ready,” I yell over the crackling of the fire.

We rush to the hill that we spent a lot of time waiting on Kingsley. It’s the perfect vantage point and completely out of sight.

“Brooks better be alright,” Zane whispers to me, staring straight ahead.

“He’s gonna be. It’ll take time to recover, but he’ll be fine,” I say, glancing at him. “Ivy goes to the doctor in the morning.”